Embden Goose

Hillery Vincent

Jul 1, 2023
Can someone please tell me what more I can do to help my baby? I came home today from helping my mom and my daughter noticed that the baby couldn't even walk very long before laying down. I told her it was probably just hot as we live in Louisiana, so then I decided to walk towards hee. Well she started to walk away from me and then leaned sideways and fell and she keeps moving her head from side to side like she is off balance. I currently have some water with probiotics and electrolytes in it, she has some crumble and I gave her some sweet peas in some egg. I also have her inside my house until I see improvement with her state.
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How is she now?

How old is she?

Has she been chewing on any metal or paint and possibly swallowed some?

What feed is she on?
She is laying down in the tote I have her in.

She is a little over a month old (born April 30th).

Not that I am aware of.

And I have her on waterfowl crumble.
Personally, I think either it's from the heat or she got a bug. I would try horseradish, or wasabi paste if she doesn't improve or looks any bit worse. Goslings really need access to baths and shade all day in super hot weather (90°F and up).
Personally, I think either it's from the heat or she got a bug. I would try horseradish, or wasabi paste if she doesn't improve or looks any bit worse. Goslings really need access to baths and shade all day in super hot weather (90°F and up).
So you're thinking heat stroke as a possibility? It's been pretty hot out here over the last month, but mine are adults and do have access to shade and plenty of water.
I wouldn't rule out heatstroke. OP is in the South. And her bird is still a gosling. I lost a few to heatstroke before I figured that one out. I've also had goslings getting into washwater run off and getting apoplecticform septecimia. That was so fast, I could only save one. I had no antibiotics except choramycitin on hand and no access to anything else(I dosed the first one with that and he keeled over asap!). All I could find in my cupboard was a small can of wasabi powder. So I dosed them with it.. Well two more were too far gone but the smallest, though looking quite woosie made it through.. I'd given her 3 doses in all.
She lived a long happy sassy life. (White Chinese who hated for my mother-in-law to try to sweep.)

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