Emergency! Chick with broken or dislocated leg


Apr 13, 2020
Knoxville, MD
I don't know what happened but my 2 Day old brahma chick either broke or dislocated it's leg. It's 11 pm where I live and there were no emergency vets I could find that currently had the chicken Vet on hand. Is there anything I can do for it?

Also, her pain is around the hock or just above.

The second pic looks worse than it was. I was not choking her.


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It's likely a slipped tendon. This will show you what your need to do. https://www.chickenheavenonearth.co...u-can-do-to-help-chicken-heaven-on-earth.html

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It does look like that is what it is. I watched Derpy's video and it made me cry happy tears. I don't feel hopeless now. You've made my day!

Funny I couldn't find this. Maybe my search words were too generalized or too specific. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I did get a vet appointment this morning after literally crying on the phone. Of course it was from a cancelled appointment but beggars can't be choosers.

At least I still know I can do something even if they don't or I have a problem with their method.

Thank you again!
I took the chick to the vet and we noticed the leg bone below the tendon is severely twisted, almost 180° of normal. It's worse than the above picture from the day before when I was too ignorant to know what to do. Not even the vet could twist the leg enough to put it in position. I've been working with it to try to loosen the tendon enough to click it back in place.

I thought it might be impossible to have the chick totally immobilized so I went with the vet's suggestion of putting her in a confined space like what I brought her in. The vet did tell me to look at the cup method. I found out the cup method has the "knee" totally bent inside.

I'm thinking of bending the knee as far as it can comfortably while gradually twisting it to be able to to gradually get it to the point where I can click it back to normal and then do the cup method again or try splints. Do you think that this might work or does anyone know a better way you?

My big fear is putting her through unnecessary pain if she doesn't have much of a chance as well as me getting more and more attached.

In the first 2 pictures below you see the only thing that the vet said she could do and how bad the twist is.
PXL_20220428_160051385.jpg PXL_20220428_160047479.jpg
I just looked an April 26 picture earlier in the day than the pictures above. After taking a closer look the chick already showed the problem. So now I don't know whether it's hereditary or not.

I just can't believe I never noticed it! Maybe I could have started to help her before it got so bad.


So she hatched Monday and may have had the problem then. It's Thursday and the problem is worse. Is it too late to try helping her?
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The tendons seem to have loosened enough for me to get her bone moving more during her physical therapy but I still couldn't straighten the leg let alone put the bone back where it belongs.

The biggest problem is she doesn't want to eat or drink. The vet told me to add water to her food so if she ate she'd also get water. No dice. I just used a dropper to give her water by the drop but she still drank very little. She drank the most when I dipped a finger in the water giving it to her by the drop.
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Her eyes don't look healthy in the photo. By that I mean eyes can be an indicator how a chicken is feeling. Your chick may have other issues in addition to the deformed leg.
Her eyes don't look healthy in the photo. By that I mean eyes can be an indicator how a chicken is feeling. Your chick may have other issues in addition to the deformed leg.
I just don't know what to do. I don't want her to suffer. In fact earlier today I felt she was suffering too much and should be put out of her misery. But as my husband was ready to do it I couldn't go through with it. I felt like my job is to protect her, not throw her out like a piece of trash. I keep jumping back and force on what to do.
Take a few more days. It should become more obvious which way this chick is going to go. If it perks up and begins to improve, no matter how small the improvement, it's a sign the chick may make it.

On the other hand, if the chick becomes more lethargic and still won't eat or drink on its own, that would be a negative sign that the chick is too weak to make any real progress.

Watch the eyes. A chick that is strong will have big bright eyes. When a chick's eyes are dull and droopy, it's because it is either in pain or is sick or both.
The chick is still active but looks pretty sickly, not only eyes but her color. She was going to town just now drinking. That would usually be a great sign but in this case I know it's actually a bad sign. I've always called it the eye of the storm where you get that extra oomph before it dies. It's late here so I'm going to wait until the morning to do the necessary deed (actually my husband) unless she passes by then. 😢

At least I'll know she's no longer in pain.

Thank you for everything @azygous .

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