I dont wanna hurt it trying to help it out its shell. Any tips for that? I'll keep spraying it with warm water as well from time hoping that helps. I really screwed up with this one. I checked the last 3 eggs and there was no sign of life at all. It didnt look like anything was moving in there. I didnt hear anything.

Also what could have caused such a late hatch? Today would be day 24. The last egg came out 2 days ago. Thats why I stopped everything.
I dont wanna hurt it trying to help it out its shell. Any tips for that? I'll keep spraying it with warm water as well from time hoping that helps. I really screwed up with this one. I checked the last 3 eggs and there was no sign of life at all. It didnt look like anything was moving in there. I didnt hear anything.

Also what could have caused such a late hatch? Today would be day 24. The last egg came out 2 days ago. Thats why I stopped everything.
The blood spot is dry. The rest of the shell is just a cage. You can break it free and it will not hurt the chicken. It would break itself free at this point if it was not stuck to itself.
alright its out but it took a while. I didnt realize how shaky my hands were when trying to be steady and focus which made it hard to help the chick. Everything looks fine but its just lying their breathing faintly so I'll see what happens in the morning.

This crucial moment really taught me something. Gonna wait for the 25th day mark from now on. When I candled that egg I knew there was something inside but I thought maybe it didnt survive cause it was not moving, nothing inside looked like it was moving but I still decided to leave it in a day more when the last egg came out. But nothing, it showed no signs of life or any cracks on the egg that showed it was pipping.
alright its out but it took a while. I didnt realize how shaky my hands were when trying to be steady and focus which made it hard to help the chick. Everything looks fine but its just lying their breathing faintly so I'll see what happens in the morning.

This crucial moment really taught me something. Gonna wait for the 25th day mark from now on. When I candled that egg I knew there was something inside but I thought maybe it didnt survive cause it was not moving, nothing inside looked like it was moving but I still decided to leave it in a day more when the last egg came out. But nothing, it showed no signs of life or any cracks on the egg that showed it was pipping.
This is such good news! You are brave. Life in your hands is scary. If the feathers seem stiff on any part of the body that means the membrane is still on there. Can its head and each wing and legs move freely if you try to move them? If they feel stuck, use more warm water massage to release them from sticking. You can also dip the beak in cool water for a drink and it will help. It is very tired and weak is normal. The drink will help.
yes it looks like it can move its body freely. It doesnt look like any of its body is stuck together. I left it in the middle of the incubator and it moved to the end of it so I'm guessing it can move with no issues. It just looks very tired, breathing but still tired. It just started chirping so I'm hoping chirping is a good sign of health.
I'm noticing that a vein or something is attached to its butt and shell. Not sure what to do there but I tried gently pulling it off but it screamed so I stopped. It looks like its trying to drag itself off the that small thread or vein but the shell behind it is hurting it. Is it ok to cut that?

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