Emergency Please Help!!!

Well good news and bad news this morning. Just checked everyone out. 2 of the 3 inside dead But the good news is that the other one that is inside seems to be doing better, eating, drinking, not really moving around any though. Everyone outside looks good as well. No one else with any symptoms or anything. My wife is going to go into town after Gebos opens and get the sulmet or corid and dose up the water if she can. Hauling around a 5 gallon bucket of water isn't tha easy on a pregnant woman. Thanks for all the help. Hopefully this will get everyone else good to go and we won't loose any more.

After some sleep, I am doing alot better this morning too. I guess what really upset me yesterday was when my ameraucana started showing symptoms. She is one that died through the night sometime. Don't know why but I really had an affinity for her.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your babies. I hope that last little guy can pull through. Sending hugs your way for you & your family.
If it is coccidiosis the Sulmet usually works pretty fast. There are 8 different strains of coccidiosis. Only one of those strains are associated with bloody stool. They don't necessarily have to have bloody stool to have coccidiosis. Of course there could be other causes, or a combination of different factors also. It won't hurt to treat for cocci, though. If it is cocci they should start improving. After the outbreak is contained, be aware this puts a big delay in heir growth and development (if it is cocci). They will feather out alot slower, and grow slower.
I am so sorry to hear about your chickens. It may have been the drop in temperature along with the rain. I had 13 Ameracaunas not too long ago that were 8 weeks old and just getting way too big for the brooder. I moved them out, the temperature dropped and was extremely rainy and I lost 6 in a matter of days. I moved them back into the brooder and never lost another one. Those 7 are now 12 weeks old, doing good and back outside.
Well good news and bad news this morning. Just checked everyone out. 2 of the 3 inside dead But the good news is that the other one that is inside seems to be doing better, eating, drinking, not really moving around any though. Everyone outside looks good as well. No one else with any symptoms or anything. My wife is going to go into town after Gebos opens and get the sulmet or corid and dose up the water if she can. Hauling around a 5 gallon bucket of water isn't tha easy on a pregnant woman. Thanks for all the help. Hopefully this will get everyone else good to go and we won't loose any more.

After some sleep, I am doing alot better this morning too. I guess what really upset me yesterday was when my ameraucana started showing symptoms. She is one that died through the night sometime. Don't know why but I really had an affinity for her.

I'm sorry to hear you lost 2 more and the one you were really loved most of all.

It's still sounding like they were most likely cold. You feed them medicated feed which is medication for cocci. How old is the rest of your flock? Were they around older ones who could have transmitted the cocci virus to them?

There's so much that could happen and so little to treat for when you do not know for sure what is going on.
I had 22 chickens to start out with. All chicks. I don't have an older flock. This is my first time to ever have chickens.

My wife ran into town yesterday morning and got some corid from Gebos and started treating as soon as she got home. THe one left inside is doing much better and everyone outside seem to be acting normal. We will see. Hopefully this is it. Thanks for all the help everyone.
I really don't have any helpful info but wanted to say hang in there. I know how hard it is to lose birds you care about.
So sorry I didn't see this right away, but I'm glad you got help. Most new folks don't understand that chicks can still get coccidiosis despite being on starter. It's such a mild dosage it's designed to allow them to get a protozoa load, but keep the protozoa weak enough that the immune system learns how to deal with it. Amprolium, the ingredient in starter and in Corid, is a Thiamin blocker and it causes the protozoa to be expelled prior to maturity. Corid is given at a dose for treatment or prevention, and starter is only at a low prevention strength, so it can't TREAT them once they get an acute load.

I hope you can treat them for a full 5 days and that they stay well thereafter!
I have to go with being to cold. A few years back I had put some 9 week old barred rocks in the coop with a heat lamp and lost half after a really cold night.. I now keep my chicks in the brooder in the winter until they are 12 weeks old.
ok so dont think I think you are dumb but are you sure you are not using cedar? the only reason I ask is that is deadly to them. also I would also start them on coxi med. if you have a bird vet see if they will give you the concentrated tabs for coxi, probly wont without seeing them. have you ever tube fed before. they will need to have some food and water. also do you have any baby vitamis with out iron. this helps also.. I have lost two, no three this winter I thought you had to see blood in the waste to have coxi, suprise you dont......are they losing weight and staying puffed up? do the eyes look good. is there any discharge from the nostrils. are they pulling head back and to one side at all? I am still learning how to use this so I have yet to learn how to find my threads on this new systum if you want you can pm me, I will tell you I do not have all the answers but there are some really helpfull people here that really care about you and your birds so hang in there....

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