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- #41
- Apr 7, 2022
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Curious what is the earliest age you've seen it manifest?I have Marek’s in my flock. We treated it as a vitamin deficiency before we had confirmed testing through RAL labs. It’s a mail order testing facility.
I’m not saying it is or it isn’t Marek’s because only testing can confirm or deny. I will say that from my experience Marek’s doesn’t read a text book. Every bird acts differently from my experience. I’ve had birds go lame and flip themselves over like you described. I have had very few show the classical “splits” everyone talks about. I’ve had some that have a huge appetite even though they cannot walk and others that don’t want to eat. The only pattern I have noticed with the strain I have is my younger birds under a year typically develop paralyses and my older birds generally waste away or develop cancer in one form or another.
I have seen a wide range in paralysis too. Some have nothing other than a limp for a long time before it progresses. My first bird that started it all was fine all day, everyone was on the roost at dusk. I needed to go back out when it was dark to do a couple things and found her on the floor unable to walk. She could only push herself backwards. I thought somehow she hurt her back. We did vitamins and some days she appeared like she was getting better and even had more strength but some days she appeared worse.
I found out about the mail in testing. My husband called and spoke to them. We ordered the tasting kit and it took a couple days to get in. Once it came in we clipped a toenail and dropped a couple drops of blood in the vial. Checked what we wanted testing. Filled out the form, went to the post office and overnighted it. 3 days later I had the results in my email.
I do not have any videos of any of mine and honestly if I were you I would not rely on a video for diagnosis. If your friend decides to put her down you can get a necropsy done so they know for sure what they are dealing with or you can try the route I took. I have included the link to the website below.