Emotions Tied to Culling


Thanks HopKat for my PFM ♥
Feb 22, 2022
Herne Bay, Kent, England
I have realised a lot of people on this section of the forum find parts of culling quite hard, emotionally and whatnot.

Am I bad for not feeling really anything?

Of course sometimes I have been extra attached to some birds and really not  wanted to cull them but needed to, but that's happened maybe a handful of times and I've culled easily over 300 birds now.

After reading a lot of the posts here I do start to wonder if there is something wrong with me?

I did find my first cull or two hard, more because I had strong attachments to them, though.
No. It's a healthy acceptance of where our food comes from, but you have to understand that's how I was raised. Pets were allowed, but food was not named. Animals were raised humanely and killed as humanely as possible.
I make sure the birds have a good life and as you say are raised well. Since my childhood cat died I've never felt properly attached to another animal, pet or not. Glad it's okay, thank you.
No, nothing wrong with you. If you enjoyed killing them or torturing them then I'd worry about you. It sounds like you are treating them like livestock, not pets. I'm pretty much that way. I hatch them and raise them to be food. I don't enjoy the killing part but it is necessary if I'm going to eat them.
Not strange at all. While I would agree that most people tend to have a harder time when they 1st start killing things, it's not uncommon to feel how stated.
My husband is more like you. He had never killed anything when we purchased our homestead but when he butchered our 1st couple ducks it was fine. He didn't have any issues.
Me, on the other hand… the 1st time I had to put down one of my guineas because it had a slipped tendon that wasn't correctable, I cried. Not because it was a beloved pet, but just because it was a bit of a shock. I've killed a couple of things but I don't enjoy it at all.
Like an above poster said, if you enjoy making an animal suffer, then that's when you should be worried.
No, nothing wrong with you. If you enjoyed killing them or torturing them then I'd worry about you. It sounds like you are treating them like livestock, not pets. I'm pretty much that way. I hatch them and raise them to be food. I don't enjoy the killing part but it is necessary if I'm going to eat them.
What Ridgerunner said. As long as you're not enjoying it or torturing them, I think you could just be a more straightforward person. That's a great survival skill. I on the other hand was raised in the suburbs and was taught to feel sorry for every single animal and nothing should have to die ever. As someone who is now interested in becoming more self-sustainable, I envy you because it's a tough mindset to break. Yes, we should treat all of our animals with respect, but it's okay to accept death as a part of the life cycle. I struggle with that.
I have realised a lot of people on this section of the forum find parts of culling quite hard, emotionally and whatnot.

Am I bad for not feeling really anything?

Of course sometimes I have been extra attached to some birds and really not  wanted to cull them but needed to, but that's happened maybe a handful of times and I've culled easily over 300 birds now.

After reading a lot of the posts here I do start to wonder if there is something wrong with me?

I did find my first cull or two hard, more because I had strong attachments to them, though.
We need people who can do different things well...and having the ability to cull amd move on is a helpful trait for those of us who have a hard time with it. I may have a different ability that you don't. Its why we are all needed and valued!
No. The short version is, that you are recognizing their purpose. It's sad, yeah, but as long as we don't lose sight of what it is (the taking of a life) you don't need to, and shouldn't, feel bad about it.
The problem is forgetting where food comes from, in my opinion. Things die to give life to other things. As long as it's humane, you have no reason to feel bad.
What Ridgerunner said. As long as you're not enjoying it or torturing them, I think you could just be a more straightforward person. That's a great survival skill. I on the other hand was raised in the suburbs and was taught to feel sorry for every single animal and nothing should have to die ever. As someone who is now interested in becoming more self-sustainable, I envy you because it's a tough mindset to break. Yes, we should treat all of our animals with respect, but it's okay to accept death as a part of the life cycle. I struggle with that.
I had a hard time at first, until my husband (who is more experienced) told me to always say a little prayer for them before culling, and thank them for their lives. It helps me a lot. Every bird gets a little prayer and a minute to "settle" before I proceed.
Another thing that helped me with "the mindset" was watching a few videos of women doing their own processing on their properties, and talking about how empowered they feel as they provide fresh chicken for their families and/or community. 🐤

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