Entire flock on starter feed since the beginning of June. Please help!


16 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Roanoke, VA
I had two hens hatch out babies starting at the end of May. Since then the entire flock has been on starter feed. In the last three days, I have had zero (0) eggs. Is this because of the starter feed? Does anyone have any advice? I have put out oyster shell for the adult chickens but I have no guarantee how much they actually eat. Should I put that in a feeder? I ask because right now it’s just in a livestock feeding tray. I am very worried. Any advice or information would be appreciated.
Since then the entire flock has been on starter feed. In the last three days, I have had zero (0) eggs. Is this because of the starter feed?

How old are the other layers? If they're over a year old you're closing in on molting season, if they haven't already begun.
Ditto Dat^^^
Most chickens start to moult in autumn/ when they are about 18 months old. And they stop laying at this point. A moult lasts about 6 weeks if I remembered correct (not sure ). But many chickens stop with the shorter winter-days too. Expect no eggs until February/March. When they start to lay again depends on : age, cold, day length, breed and individual.

Dont worry, taking a long break is good for their health.
My adult standard hens are almost all molting right now! Today, two eggs from 22 (!) hens! My four bantam hens are not molting, and we are getting 3 or 4 eggs daily from them.
Some of these birds are over one year of age, which makes a difference too, and two are broody with no eggs in their nests.
It's not the food! We have feathers everywhere, looks like somebody died, but not so.
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