The large snap traps (rat traps) are your best bet in my experience. But place it inside a small narrow structure, like a hamster cage or wooden box so the ermine cannot access the bait sideways, and suspend your bait by a wire so the ermine will have to stand on the trigger to get the bait. All weasel types cannot resist raw liver, brain, entrails and small meaty bones. Thin slices of raw marrow bones tied above the trap are my go-to bait and it has not failed me. The ermine has to balance on the rat trap to grab the bone ring but can't remove it from the wire, and snap! I feed mine for a couple of days prior in the box without rat trap set, so they trust it. Then I set it and get it the same night. I like the ermines because they eat a ton of mice but once I have rabbit kits and little chicks in the spring, the ermine has to go.
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