If I have to give meds to a bird that's wildly flapping, I will wrap a towel around the bird being careful of the wings. Give them a rub under the beak. Really helps to calm them down and stops the flapping. I feel I'm less likely to hurt them or me.I may not survive the experience of deworming chickens for five days straight…
It’ll be easy they said. Just catch them on the roost after dark they said. Pull their wattle down and squirt it in their mouth they said.
I’m here to tell you, our hens apparently missed the memo…despite it being full dark, they were flying all over in the coop and screeching loud enough to draw in every coyote in a ten mile radius while E was trying to catch them. When we gently pulled their wattle down, they were yanking their heads all around like I was trying to murder them. A few of them placed very well aimed vicious pecks. One shook her head like crazy and sprayed dewormer all over everything.
One night down, four nights to go…![]()
Good luck!
Chick's are so cute!