Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Where are you located? I have some lovely sexable chicks.

I tried several lines before getting the cockerel I have now. Amazing difference in consistent quality.

First purchased 15 chicks of varying ages from a lady whose stock was several generations removed from the original GFF line. I specify the "several generations removed" because so often we hear where the original breeding stock comes from but don't know anything about breeder integrity. Also, that person may have just started hatching eggs and may not know how they will grow out. So knowing the original line of breeding stock is information to be taken with a grain of salt. Quality could be better - or worse - depending on efforts at improving. Anyway, of those 15 there were 6 Mille Fluer patterned birds. That means a lot of culling had to be done with every generation - perhaps the people before were not culling as they should have been. Personally, I find the MF very pretty and I would keep them in my egg layer flock.

Second, I found a (better coloration than GFF) cockerel from someone who had Skyline birds. She had also been faithful at improving the breed.

That cockerel died of heart failure while the pullets were young but I was able to hatch out a few chicks anyway.

Third, I was lucky enough to obtaine a cockerel from Megan's line (means he is a direct descendant of fresh imports from Spain). This means that my breeding stock is completely unrelated
The chicks off this guy make me so happy!

I've hatched and grown out (to 10 weeks+) over 50 chicks. Not a single MF pattern in the bunch. Almost cookie-cutter quality. Absolutely amazing! I can't believe the difference in the chicks. The new cockerel is obviously making a significant improvement to the gene pool. The only fault I'm finding is the occasional split chest. Combs are good, legs are good, color is good. Girls are about 2 shades darker than the light ginger color of the GFF line. I'm interested in how they grow out to see if the tail set is wider on the hens.

The GFFxSkyline line is also light ginger in color. The cockerel is very yellow still. I'm keeping him to watch.

My only disappointment is that there is no MF to ad to the breeding pen

There is a local show in January. I plan to take a pair for judging.

Where are you located CacleJoy?
They are so beautiful! Who did you get them from? I love that they are all different.

I bought them from this small family breeder. Have only ordered once from them, but the chicks arrived in excellent health, and they were very attentive. A bit slow on responding to emails, but always get back to you. Nice and courteous. I would order from them again in the future. Love these 5 chicks, really have fallen for the breed so far.


I bought them from this small family breeder.  Have only ordered once from them, but the chicks arrived in excellent health, and they were very attentive.  A bit slow on responding to emails, but always get back to you.  Nice and courteous.  I would order from them again in the future.  Love these 5 chicks, really have fallen for the breed so far.


That's great as I was going to order from them. They are taking orders now for spring chicks. I was going to order from them because they are close to me. Now I can't wait.
Birds eye shot of my 5 EO Basque chicks. 8 weeks old

So.. I feel like a straight newbie dummy....... after reading almost every page of this thread and looking at pictures.... Do I have 4 cockerels, and only 1 pullet??????
I am going to be quite upset!

So.. I feel like a straight newbie dummy....... after reading almost every page of this thread and looking at pictures.... Do I have 4 cockerels, and only 1 pullet??????
I am going to be quite upset!


If you could get some side shots of them, we could help you figure it out. But from that photo I only see one possible roo. The grey barred with lighter wings.
Yup - need more pics!
6:00 bird is definitely male. 9:00 bird looks like a male MF. Whole lotta black in the cape and looks like a comb coming on.

4:00 bird is a girl... need a better view of the other two.
These are the same birds right Melabella?

Hello everyone!

I wanted to post some photos of my Basque chicks that are getting big and in with some other breeds in the grow out stall in my horse barn. Still waiting for their run to be built on their coop so I can move them to permanent digs. Can you all let me know what you think of them? I don't offend easily and I would like to know as to their color, and if you think that I am correct in saying I only have the one cockerel. I got some very helpful information about the "lady grey" and wonder how the quality of the coloring seems to be on the other 4. Have at it Basque peeps!

Thank you!










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