Seems as if you were meant to get that Flex, huh? I bet it works out fine for you. It's great that your dad did research on safety and reliability.
Also, hurray on the basement repairs! A flooded basement is a nightmare. Years ago, I came home after a storm to find everything in the basement floating in several inches of water. I'm lucky that the furnace and washer & dryer are on raised platforms, built by a previous owner who must have also faced flooding.
I always enjoy your photos! That really is an unusual-looking moth, and Constance looks like a creature from outer space with her eerie, glowing eyes.
Okay, your grandpa's seven Terry's beats my neighbor's two Higgins. Although, I moved, so maybe there's been more dogs named Higgins since then?
My newest chicks, including Theodora, the Ameraucana, are: Gwendolyn (another Ameraucana), Cochins Arabella and Lavinia, Cuckoo Marans Daphne, Silver-Laced Wyandotte Winifred and Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Lydia. The only names I had chosen before I got the chicks were the Cochins' -- named for characters from British TV dramas, which I really enjoy.
If you never build a rooster sanctuary or buy and renovate the old school house, it's always good to have dreams and goals, even if they only ever exist in your mind and imagination. Some people never do even that much!
Enjoy getting behind the wheel of your new car!
Also, hurray on the basement repairs! A flooded basement is a nightmare. Years ago, I came home after a storm to find everything in the basement floating in several inches of water. I'm lucky that the furnace and washer & dryer are on raised platforms, built by a previous owner who must have also faced flooding.
I always enjoy your photos! That really is an unusual-looking moth, and Constance looks like a creature from outer space with her eerie, glowing eyes.
Okay, your grandpa's seven Terry's beats my neighbor's two Higgins. Although, I moved, so maybe there's been more dogs named Higgins since then?
My newest chicks, including Theodora, the Ameraucana, are: Gwendolyn (another Ameraucana), Cochins Arabella and Lavinia, Cuckoo Marans Daphne, Silver-Laced Wyandotte Winifred and Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Lydia. The only names I had chosen before I got the chicks were the Cochins' -- named for characters from British TV dramas, which I really enjoy.
If you never build a rooster sanctuary or buy and renovate the old school house, it's always good to have dreams and goals, even if they only ever exist in your mind and imagination. Some people never do even that much!
Enjoy getting behind the wheel of your new car!