Eva’s Friends

This may be one of the last posts featuring Eva's friends. A kind lady here on BYC has offered to take in the chickens, and they will be going to their new home shortly.

The ducks still haven't been claimed, but I am working on finding homes for them as well. Matilda has a promised home and will be taking up residence there when the chickens leave.

The ducklings are quacking, and it's clear that two are boys. Angelica is now Ronald, Greg is now Doris, Doris is now Greg, and Moira stayed the same. Confusing, isn't it?!

Last Friday we found more mold/water damage, this time in the downstairs bathroom - resulting in yet another insurance claim. We will be moving out for the next few months as now both bathrooms are practically unusable.

I did catch the stray cat under the shed. We set a trap last night and it took her about three hours after dark for the tuna to overcome her suspicion. I actually don't know if it's a boy or a girl but we named her Francine for now. I contacted a couple rescues but one was full and I don't like the looks of the other so it may be that we will have a third cat! My family does not love cats, so this must be thought out carefully.

I have been going through all the boxes that were in the basement and are now in storage. We have given away a lot, but there's so much "useful junk" that is the bane of my existence.

You know, the package of erasers you will need a couple years from now when your existing one runs out, or the six Allen wrenches (just in case you lose one), or the five hundred plastic baggies that somehow fell out of their box and got scattered to the four winds.

To make matters worse, nearly all of these miscellaneous objects is connected to a memory, and I know that if I get rid of them that memory will be forgotten. But I have been plunging ahead and telling myself that in ten years I will have new memories, and if I don't give away some things now, I will have ten times the amount of useful but unused objects, and also have become insane from being overwhelmed by it all.

My family has had to make the same journey - my mom finally chose to give away the clothes we wore as babies, my sister agreed to get rid of the doll accessories she hasn't used in years, and my father...well, all his tools are still extremely useful and important so he doesn't have this problem!

I think that when this thread has run its course I will have it moved to the Family Life or Random Ramblings, or maybe just start a new one. What do you think?

I did not take many pictures because I've been busy at the storage. I will be sure to get some of the all the birds before they leave for their new homes. I just want it over with before I can change my mind...

Beautiful fall day

Eva happy after a long walk at a battlefield

Left to right: Doris, Greg, Moira
I am surprised at how white Doris is - she almost looks like Claire!

Meet Francine!
Well, I ran through a gamut of reactions when I read your post!

First off, I thought, "Oh, no!" when I read that there might not be many more posts about Eva's friends because I have enjoyed reading about them all and getting to know you.

Good thing I read the entire thing so I know that you aren't going to completely stop posting! I will read whatever you write, wherever you post it on BYC :)

Congrats on finding a good home for your chickens, and best wishes for finding homes for your ducks.

It's a good thing that I live too far away to even consider taking them, because I don't need ANY more pets, especially ducks. My drakes are still being stupid with each other even though mating season is well past.

BTW, I had a similar confused gender situation with my newest chicks. Theodora, an Ameraucana who I was expecting to lay blue eggs, is actually Moses, a rooster whose voice is still pretty shaky but is getting stronger.

It's great that you've captured Francine; the three formerly stray cats are living in my basement but I wish I could have found other homes for them. Both of my old cats are headed to the vet tomorrow; one is favoring a front leg, the other may have the initial stages of a cancer that took her mom and three siblings.

Going through stuff that has memories attached is tough for me, too. As is getting rid of things I MAY need some time in the future. I have some friends coming this weekend who may be able to pry some of the stuff out of my hands, for my own good!!

Sad news about the additional mold and water damage, especially that you will have to move out for a while. Hopefully, it won't be too long and it will all get fixed properly.

Again, I'm glad you aren't leaving BYC!!

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