Obviously 10 weeks is very early to start this process, but all 5 of my Blue Australorp straight runs turned out to be male and I will end up keeping only one so I'd at least like to have a good idea what to look for even though they have a great deal of growing to do.
I've read the Australian standard from the Open Poultry Standards: http://www.openpoultrystandards.com/Australorp I haven't read the US SOP for Australorps in a long time (I have a hardcopy that's still packed from moving and which is many, many decades old (I got it as a library discard about 20 years ago)).
My goal is a healthy, vigorous backyard flock rather than a show flock, but I do want them to be decent representatives of their breed so I wouldn't want to be ashamed to have someone say "That's one of 3KB's birds".
That said, does anyone see anything in particular in favor or against any of these boys at this point?
Red (who might be splash rather than blue)
Pink (who also might be splash)
Yellow (who *may* be a little smaller than the others -- I wasn't able to weigh them).
Any thoughts on what I should look for as they develop?
I've read the Australian standard from the Open Poultry Standards: http://www.openpoultrystandards.com/Australorp I haven't read the US SOP for Australorps in a long time (I have a hardcopy that's still packed from moving and which is many, many decades old (I got it as a library discard about 20 years ago)).
My goal is a healthy, vigorous backyard flock rather than a show flock, but I do want them to be decent representatives of their breed so I wouldn't want to be ashamed to have someone say "That's one of 3KB's birds".
That said, does anyone see anything in particular in favor or against any of these boys at this point?
Red (who might be splash rather than blue)
Pink (who also might be splash)
Yellow (who *may* be a little smaller than the others -- I wasn't able to weigh them).
Any thoughts on what I should look for as they develop?