Ever hear of this sexing trick?

Mar 14, 2025
I'm skeptical but my husband seems to think this is a good guess for sexing chicks(2-3 weeks old).
He says, if you pick up a chick and it's legs dangle carefree -Cockerel. If they tuck their legs up to their tummy, pullet.

Anyone able to add credibility to this?
6 Straight run bantams. I'm expecting half to be boys anyhow. Didn't think we'd only get 1 boy with a S.R. batch.
Odds are odds. For each individual chick the odds are 50-50 boy or girl. But don't expect to get 3 and 3. It's possible but it usually doesn't work like that. I hatch about 90 chicks over a two year period and the total numbers are close to 50-50 but any individual hatch can be way off, usually 2/3 or 3/4 one sex or the other. My most extreme was hen I got 7 pullets out of 7 straight run chicks, odds of 1 in 128.

Hopefully you marked which he thinks are pullets and which cockerels. It is always interesting to see the results of something like this, but I'd need a lot more than a few chicks to start believing this.
On island:
1.People take a cinnamon stick. Lay it out.

2.Go back 15inches horizontal .....

3. Draw a line in the sand.
Place birds behind that mark (up to 4 birds)

4.Call them from behind the cinnamon stick, and the first chick to the stick- is a male. pufff. haha.

Again old wives tale. But here, in the west indies (caribbean islands) its a bit complicated with all this stuff.

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