Exhausting Photo Finish of Coop and my Run!


9 Years
May 28, 2010
West Jefferson
I've finally figured out how to post my photo's on to my BYC page, so please visit and let me know what you think!

This will be our first flock which I ordered last week from Meyer's and will be here on March 8th

After viewing thousands of pages of coop building, we decided to go bigger than we thought just in case we add more birds later, so everything is supersized, 10x12 fully insulated walls and roof with plenty of ventalation throughout.

If you see anything that needs attention please let me know so I can fix it before the little ones arrive in spring.
thank again for looking at our Chicken Palace!
WOW !!!

Job well done!

I love your whole set up, including the rest of your property. It's gorgeous! I know your chickens will be happy and well taken care of. Great job!
Thank you both!

It was great fun to build and design with my brother, even though it cost alot more than first thought.
We are very blessed to have a nice piece of mountian property to enjoy, and hopefully the girls will do the same.
Wow! Great job! I'm in NC too but I've never heard of West Jefferson. Then again, you've probably never heard of the town I'm from either so it's OK.
what that looks fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the some things the most!
that you used hardwire cloth everywhere.
that you put a nice hardy lock on the doors.
that you thought of ventalation.
that one of the doors is glass!!!!
that you placed the chickens on the sunny side facing the creek.

i have seen alot of coops, in the last few years, by far, your is "one" at the top!!!!
ITs nice to see you might have done some research first hand, such predator loss on the site lately, hopefully your chickens will be safe in their house!

Thanks for sharing!

oooooo i have one flaw tho, where are the chicken pictures?
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