Existing chickens are mean to new ones

4chicks mom- how is it going? I kept my new girls locked up under the henhouse for a week. The big girls (2 bleu de france/cendrée and one sussex) didn't care about them, so we started roosting together and giving the new girls access to the whole run and consequently the yard (turns out there are no acceptable substitutes for nesting boxes 🙄) It seems OK. Bedtime is a HUGE and violent drama though. Are things going OK for you?
Everything settled down here.
I've seen them roost together a few times. I only have 2 roosting bars. My existing 3 aren't being mean for no reason any more. They established their pecking order and things are going as planned.
I've adjusted the automatic coop door and have it set to open 30 minutes before sunrise and it seems to be doing the trick. I've noticed tgar my 2 new ones like to lay their eggs super early in the morning. I haven't had any more issues.
picture of the 5, the 2 isa browns(they were advertised as novogens) are the new additions.


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Oh good. There is hope. I have one who is particularly mean- chasing for no reason,.albeit less and less. She did camp out at the top of the ramp into the henhouse last night though. Stinker. I'll give her some more time to settle down before I order the pinless peepers. #momcanbeastinkertoo

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