extreme heat

A block of ice, they’ll sip it and stand on it as it melts, and give them a puddle in the dirt. At night get a spot with afternoon shade and loose soil good and wet, they’ll bathe in it to cool off. A fan may help, but it might just feel like they’re standing in front of a hair dryer.

how much the windows are usually open. sometimes even less because I keep getting paranoid of like a fox squishing through and opening the windows with its paws.

can I open these windows(wide)? there is a narrow space I think around 1 metre or a little bit more wide and have an overgrown bush right next to them

Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 21.53.44.png

how much space there is between the fence and the conservatory. its a really bad image and I dont think its easy to tell with that picture and ill get a better one but its around 1 metre or a bit more.
Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 22.19.50.png

would a fox be able to jump through this
we have more of an issue with foxes


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Get a fan and put a bowl of water with lots of ice behind the fan and it will blow cool air in the coop - or if you can find a cooling mister fan that is an added bonus. check amazon! Its called a "misting fan" on amazon and its about 50 bucks. but it will for sure cool them off at night
But in humid temps or areas, won't that just add to the humidity?
But in humid temps or areas, won't that just add to the humidity?
Hmmm great question!! I am not sure about that, I live in Oregon. It's never humid here.... But what I do know it blows really out cold air exactly like my AC in my house. its pretty identical.

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