
5 Years
Apr 11, 2019
This has been going on for a little under a week - I noticed his eye was irritated about 6 days ago but it’s progressively (and rather rapidly) gotten worse. Tonight it was swollen shut and I could barely get anything in.

I have been trying to routinely flush it out with saline and putting terramycin in/on his eye, but I feel quite bad I haven’t seen it getting any better. I want to say it was some sort of injury from sand or something of the sort as anyone else in my flock irritated eyes cleared up with similar treatment. He’s not wheezing or showing any other signs of a respiratory infection - apart from his eye he is acting fine.

Is there anything else more I could do, or is there anything that helps more with infected eyes??

Tomorrow hoping to get around his eye with a warm washcloth to thoroughly clean out around it. Currently looking for vets around me that might be able to help if need be.


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Poor Guy!

You are doing what I'd do, flushing generously with saline, wiping out any debris, crusts and/or pus, then applying ointment in the eye.

Does he have any lesions or canker inside the beak or signs of infection in the ear?

Using warm compresses and a cloth to wipe the debris away is a good idea. If necessary, trim some of the feathers around the face to help stay cleaner.

If after another few days of TLC and there's no improvement, try an antibiotic like Tylosin or Baytril to see those make any difference. The meds would be in addition to daily care of the eye.

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