F1 (First Generation) Easter Egger Thread!

These are my (now my friend's) F1 EEs from my Lavender Ameraucana x Buff Orpington and Lavender Ameraucana x Lavender Orpington eggs.

I was fully expecting black birds with orange leakage when I hatched the buff's eggs, but surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly - I don't know a whole lot about genetics as of yet) they were all various patterns of black and white. The Lav x lav obviously gave me a lavender EE. They're about 10 weeks old now, but I'm interested to find out if they'll lay blue eggs. With F1s, I wasn't sure if that was a "sure thing" or not. My guess would be no.

Either way, my friend just loves them and said they're super friendly and have funny personalities. I just gave her more eggs from my flock and her hope is to hatch more eggs from the buffs.




Same EEs as chicks:


All of the Lavender Ameraucana x Buff Orpington chicks looked like this.


Lavender Ameraucana x Lavender Orpington chick in the back.
Wondering how people’s F1 or EE projects are going?

It has been crazy in my area getting any chicks and so I ended up with a grab bag of what ever they had... so I ordered some chicks. Unfortunately SOP Ameraucana was too expensive. At any rate we decided to keep some cockerels of various breeds... F1 hatchery EE x will eventually happen at my place.

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