Falling Down Heights, my daily life

So long as they still have skin, yes. Removing the skin usually takes all that lovely delicious fat.

Now, if you're only processing drakes, well the size should be a dead giveaway.
Okay. It will probably just be male's, but I'm not sure if the place skins or plucks. Since they're ducks, I'm thinking they'll probably just skin. I'll ask when I contact them
Here are the two Rex bunnies I got yesterday!



The black otter on the left is a buck, and the lynx on the right is a doe.
I love lynx rabbits. Used to have a couple mini lops in that color. Had a broken otter satin doe too that I adored
I'd love to get some satins. So pretty! There were lots of angora there but they're too much trouble (and too small).

How are the new calls doing?
The ones I got last week? Fine. They're slowly getting used to their new arrangements. And now the yard isn't as crowded so they're more comfortable.

I need to clip the flight feathers on the two I got yesterday. I think they may be pastels, and maybe both drakes >.<
Just dispatched eight hybrids/mules. It was supposed to be nine, but one climbed up the fencing of the pen and booked it for the woods! I am not chasing.

I'll finish with the processing later. It started raining and dispatching them is difficult on the emotions, especially when doing it alone.
Just dispatched eight hybrids/mules. It was supposed to be nine, but one climbed up the fencing of the pen and booked it for the woods! I am not chasing.
I had one hen that did that about 4 times before I finally culled her. I felt bad honestly, because she was obviously scared enough to exlscape how she had, and it felt mean putting her through that as often as she did. Last time I just tied her feet when I caught her so if she wriggled free she couldn't get far.
I'd love to get some satins. So pretty! There were lots of angora there but they're too much trouble (and too small).
They're a lot of work. I'm debating getting a pair/trio in the future for breeding and fiber, but they do take a lot more attention than the average rabbit
The ones I got last week? Fine. They're slowly getting used to their new arrangements. And now the yard isn't as crowded so they're more comfortable.
Yeah, I actually forgot you got more yesterday
I need to clip the flight feathers on the two I got yesterday. I think they may be pastels, and maybe both drakes >.<
Pictures? I have a pair of pastels so I might be able to help.

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