Falling Down Heights, my daily life

And also my 'new' dog. Named her Tsuki (because I didn't like her previous name). She was my youngest daughter's, but she wasn't taking care of her so I 'rescued' her when she left her behind here.

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No, she's not a Dingo, lol! She's a German Shepherd / Labrador mix. I'm renaming her Tsuki (which means Moon), to go with my other dog Taiyo, which is Sun.
She looks like a skinny version of my pup!
Watching the two hens and the silkie roo taking care of these four chicks is absolutely adorable! I'll try to get pics once the weather stabilizes. Heat wave is done, but it's gonna rain for the next few days.

I had to take two of the lemon-blue cockerels out of the communal cage, as they were picking on the smaller one. I don't want aggression in my birds so we'll see who stays and who goes in the end. Interestingly, the red pyle cockerel developed his comb much later than the lemon blues. He also seems much more gentle than the two precocious ones.

Gave the goslings a bit more space where they can graze. I may need to trim flight feathers though as they've grown in and I hear Pilgrims can fly.
The plums and cherries are doing good this year. Going to have to wrap the trees so wild animals don't get them.


Rain supposed to stop by late tomorrow morning. Thank goodness. It's a swamp out there! Mosquitoes are having a field day! As are other biting insects. Deer fly took a chunk out of my leg today. :rant

Chicks are doing well, the tiny OEGB hen knows what she's doing! So adorable to see her take pieces of vegetation and rip them into tiny bits so the little ones can eat them!

Released three more ducklings into the flock. Slowly but surely I am emptying out my home.

This got me out of bed WAY before my alarm! Thankfully, the only casualty was the shed, but it was *close*.

The large cage on the left has half-grown bantam chickens in it. The board leaning away had been *nailed* to it.

Top part of that tree *did* hit the trailer but with only minimal damage. I'll take the ladder over later for a closer inspection.

The shed was going to be torn down, but we hadn't planned on it this early. Oh shoot! I just remembered there were nesting birds in there! I'll have to check if they're okay (wild birds, not chickens or ducks).

A wire connected to the house was ripped off. No idea what it was for. It's not sparking or anything. Thinking it might have been an old phone line.

We'll need to borrow the neighbour's chainsaw to cut up that trunk, way too heavy to lift. Glad it wasn't blocking my door. The picture was taken *from* my door, so I could easily have been stuck.

The dog, for some reason, found all his chew bones inside and made a pile of them. It freaked him out and I guess he was making sure they were all accounted for, lol!

Overall, we were very lucky.
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