Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Amazingly, even though I'm in pain (somehow my foot got injured yesterday, doing nothing more that going outside WITHOUT falling!), I managed to get more done today than any other day this summer!

FINALLY got the rabbit kits moved to their own cage. They're 7 weeks old. Momma looks relieved! Also got a bunch of cages cleaned. And moved three of them next to the trailer. The plan is to eventually get them all moved there.

Somehow, and I don't know how, something got one of my new Cochin hens overnight. :mad: Moving the remaining three into a spare rabbit cage. After all the cockerels get processed in October, they'll move to the big coop.

Done more hopping today that the bunnies! Foot was actually feeling a bit better until my daughter's over-hyper horse-sized dog jumped on me and I stumbled into a planter. And then the pain tripled! Stoopid mutt. :rant Having it x-rayed on Tuesday, since it's been hurting off and on for a year, but has gotten worse since Spring.
X-ray done. Also got my tetanus shot. It had been a while, and considering I'm always covered in scrapes and cuts figured better safe than sorry.

I don't know if I can wait another month to get that chicken plucker! Not only are these chickens past due, I also have a bunch more ducks to do, too.

Probably going to sell that doe that didn't feed her kits. I have more than enough bunnies right now. Might sell a couple of the babies that are now 7 1/2 weeks old, too. Just for extra cash. Wish I could keep a few! But I need to show RESTRAINT! LOL
You did say you wanted the angora ones for fibre... ;)

And rabbit tastes just like chicken! Their manure can be used without composting and they're cheaper and easier to feed, imo.

They also don't get sick as easily.
I loved my rabbits. I just don't have the space until I move and have my own place
I can barely use my right thumb today (annoying when trying to pick up my cup of tea!). I figure it's because of all the wild raspberry canes I removed yesterday. Seriously, those things are taking over!

My Brahma cockerel developed sour crop. :( They've all been moved outside now and I've been adding apple cider vinegar to their water. This morning when I let them out I checked his crop and it's no longer bloated and squooshy, and he seemed in much better spirits. Hopefully this continues.

Oh, and speaking of raspberries, those birds sure do love their leaves!
I can barely use my right thumb today (annoying when trying to pick up my cup of tea!). I figure it's because of all the wild raspberry canes I removed yesterday. Seriously, those things are taking over!

My Brahma cockerel developed sour crop. :( They've all been moved outside now and I've been adding apple cider vinegar to their water. This morning when I let them out I checked his crop and it's no longer bloated and squooshy, and he seemed in much better spirits. Hopefully this continues.

Oh, and speaking of raspberries, those birds sure do love their leaves!
I hope your thumb feels better soon Wind. :hugs
Finally calmed down, for the most part. Took one of the dogs for a walk in the woods while I looked for shrooms and acorns. Well, the other dog obviously did not like this preferential treatment (Taiyo is a scent hound so I can't take him off leash as he'll just start running). I was deep in the woods looking around for forageables, when movement caught my eye. Yup, Taiyo. Barrelling down on us. Didn't even pause, just kept running past taking Tsuki with him.

I called and whistled (well, attempted to) but to no avail. He's gotten loose twice in the past and both times he came back so I figured he'd do the same again, bringing Tsuki with him. So I went back to foraging.

Had a 5g pail 1/3 full of acorns when in the distance I start hearing a commotion from the chickens. Booked it back through at least an acre of woods. There's Tsuki. She was reluctant to come to me but finally she did. Then I noticed WHY she was reluctant. Feathers EVERYWHERE! She'd spooked the Brahma out of their pen and obviously managed to sorta catch one of them. No blood, no body parts, just a LOT of feathers! I was SO angry!

After securing her, I went looking for my missing chickens. One was huddled inside her crate/coop in the pen, terrified, but three were nowhere to be found. Two pullets and the cockerel.

Figuring they went to ground and wouldn't come out for a while, I went inside to calm myself down. Finally decided to go back out and sit by the pen and sort through the acorns (with 'help' from the geese) when I heard something in the bushes behind me. One of the pullets! I got her extricated from the raspberry bushes and put her back in the pen.

A few minutes later, some soft clucking from the other bushes. Caught the cockerel and put him back with his ladies.

Neither of the two looked like they'd lost much feathers, so I have to assume the remaining pullet is the one that got caught and escaped. Fingers crossed that she isn't badly injured and comes back before dark.

Taiyo is still missing.

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