Falling Down Heights, my daily life


Hands, legs, shoulders, back, FEET!

BUT, the chicken run is clean. Two years' worth of accumulated shavings, straw, and POOP. I feel embarrassed and guilty.


And, I got a couple of hours of exercise and fresh air and so did the chooks. This was their first time this year to explore outside the run. They did not want to go back in! The four older hens were quick to understand and had a blast, but it took the three Chantecler a while to grasp the concept. Didn't help that Colt kept going after them (I put a stop to THAT real quick!)

I also let the four Brahma out to see how the two flocks would do together but they ignored each other. I'd like to have them all housed together for the winter but am unsure how the two cockerels will behave together.

Tomorrow I'll do the actual coop.
I don't think my hands (or my body for that matter!) will ever recover from all this!

Today, I took the front off the chicken coop and did a good clean. Then added and extra shelf/roost, fixed a draft, made an additional LARGER door for easier access (and messed it up), a new bedding strip (so they don't kick it out) and put everything back together. :th

Colt went to Gander Jail for attacking chickens again.
I swear I'm gonna kill myself with all the stuff I've been doing. LOL

I *WAS* going to take a break today, but ended up doing more than any other day! And it's not done.

First, I cleaned up beside the trailer so I could start working on my enclosed shelter for bunnies and other various critters.


Then I started sorting wood planks and stuff out of the structure out back and hauling it to the front. Easier said than done! After that I laid out the border for the enclosure then started hauling over pallets for the floor.


That's when I called it quits for today. It may not sound like much, but I was at it for about five hours.

Tomorrow, I need to bring more pallets over and sort through THIS pile for the floor!


Need to figure out how I'm going to do doors, too...
I swear I'm gonna kill myself with all the stuff I've been doing. LOL

I *WAS* going to take a break today, but ended up doing more than any other day! And it's not done.

First, I cleaned up beside the trailer so I could start working on my enclosed shelter for bunnies and other various critters.

View attachment 3983894

Then I started sorting wood planks and stuff out of the structure out back and hauling it to the front. Easier said than done! After that I laid out the border for the enclosure then started hauling over pallets for the floor.

View attachment 3983895

That's when I called it quits for today. It may not sound like much, but I was at it for about five hours.

Tomorrow, I need to bring more pallets over and sort through THIS pile for the floor!

View attachment 3983899

Need to figure out how I'm going to do doors, too...
This makes ME exhausted just reading this, 😁 don't over do it and hurt yourself Wind! :hugs
I'm surprised how motivated I've been!

Part of the enclosure is going to be for the geese. I have absolutely NO urge to have two messy and noisy honkers inside all winter!

Oh, and that mini rex doe still hasn't had babies so once the shelter is built, she'll be going outside with the rest of the fluffers. Might still keep the little one (who's about 3 months old now) in for the winter, but rabbits are much quieter than geese and chickens!!!

Also, no guarantee on not hurting myself! :lau

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