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 Thank you! 

I grew up with Newfies, Newfie mixes, Great Pyrenees and Mastiffs.  Adopting a Westie was a huge change for me and it was a struggle at times but I'd have another in a heartbeat.  Willie Nelson is the Newfie's name and he is just one big mellow teddy bear.  Cuddling is his favorite. 

No problem!

And I know the other was to the other person but I love big dogs! We've never had a big one until recently though. We used to have a Golden Retriever but I don't really remember him because I was only a couple years old and he was already pretty old. But then we had a yellow Lab we got at 18 months and we put him down at 13 in 2009 so I do remember him since I grew up with him. I'm 22 now. He was the best. And I think I've read before that Newfies and Labs are related? Came from the same breed originally and same area and split off. Now we have a Black Lab/Great Pyrenees mix. He turned 4 im March, got him 2012 as a puppy. He's the sweetest dog and so calm and nowhere near as much energy as a Lab thank goodness. He's very lazy and sleeps all day LOL but he does have his bursts of energy where he wants to play. And he loves going places and walks. He's 130 pounds and about 30, 31 inches tall. He's huge.
now we have had a few problems with resource guarding in the past and sometimes he gets aggressive when you pull the rope hard (he goes out on a rope as our yard isnt fenced) but I think it's usually when it's wrapped around his leg and we think he has a chronic leg injury maybe so yeah. He also used to get sassy and almost aggressive but not quite whenyou try to get him to do something he doesn't want to do. He used to have a lot of issues HA. He'd be like 99% cuddly 1% aggressive/almost dangerous. BUT. Luckily once he hit 3 and even a little before he calmed down A LOT. because besides all that he was kind of a brat too. Dog adolescent phrase from 6 months to almost 3 ha. But thankfully besides just him aging and growing up I also worked with him a lot for a while, haven't been as much lately, but I think working with him helped to calm him down a lot too. Now he doesn't resource guard or very rarely and he drops stuff when we ask now when he used to either growl, run away, or require a treat. Sometimes he still does require a treat but recently he just drops it. And hes great with the chickens now. He's, thankfully, calmed down a ton. But my brother also uses a deep gruff voice and is super strict with him, sometimes even excessive/mean imo, so that chilled him too I think ha but yeah, anyway, now he's great and is the best dog ever. Ha he always has been, just had some issues before. We messed up cause we'd never had a puppy and didn't realize some breed traits. But he's gentle and goofy and sweet
Figured I'd let the girls out a little bit earlier today to enjoy the last sunshine and what do they do? Run straight for the shade
it's okay, cloud is covering the sun atm anyway. May is in laying an egg.


These are beautiful!
Thank you!

That tulip is such a gorgeous color, and I see my favorite Landseer Newfie

I had three like this this year and I think they ended up tossed in the woods during my first spring in this cottage. I had pulled a ton of daylilies out of a flower bed that was much too small for them and the tulip bulbs must have been lost within the lilies. I threw the lilies along the tree line and last year found a few unflowering tulips so I dug up the bulbs and put them back in the flower bed. I was pleasantly surprised to see them blooming this year.

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