Faverolles Thread

Thank you, EweSheep. I really appreciate your help as well as everyone else's.
Now of course, my next question is are the two chicks that I have Blue Salmon (see more pics on post #1518) or Salmon? I assumed they were BS because they seem much darker than the Salmon Fav chicks I had last year. Below are close-ups of the two I have. I know the lighting is not the best - its really difficult to get chicks to be still, turn the right way AND stay in the good light for more than a fraction of a second
, as I'm sure you know from experience!

http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww265/pbroner/Baby Chickens/Wing1.jpg

http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww265/pbroner/Baby Chickens/Wing2.jpg

I am going to say girl, girl. the bottom of both chick wings is longer, and the black wings are not the solid black that my boys have. And I see tail feathers already. In my hatch last year, one of my chicks had really dark wings, with some black, but it was not a solid black. I took a chance and it was a girl. The boys had solid black, there was a difference, not much but it was there. She did turn out to be a dark hen, too dark for show purposes, but I don't show.
Happy Hatching to you!

My chicks are from Melissa. They are looking good and if the predictions on sex turn out to be correct I will have 5 out of 6 that are pullets - which would be just perfect as I think one of the whites is a cockerel and I really wanted a White Faverolles roo!
Happy Hatching to you!

My chicks are from Melissa. They are looking good and if the predictions on sex turn out to be correct I will have 5 out of 6 that are pullets - which would be just perfect as I think one of the whites is a cockerel and I really wanted a White Faverolles roo!

Sweet! Ya, I can't wait!! I hope
I get mostly girls, I have a really nice roo to go with them already, but I'll be keeping them all to see how they grow out for sure!!
So as you know I am adding some more color to my flock what do you think would go best with the faverolles color and personality wise. I already have black ameraucana bantam eggs in the bator (thanks cloverleaf) I also have silver penciled rock bantam eggs on there way late this week or next week. Should I get two or three wyndotte bantam pullets in silver laced, columbian, or dun laced? Or should I get some bantam buff, light, and black brahma eggs (SQ stock and local)? Or get some lavender duccles eggs (shipped)? I am also considering some cochin bantams but I don't know! Tell me what you all think I want them all ha ha! I know I am getting rocks and ameraucanas if I get a good hatch what would work with them and the favs?
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Happy Hatching to you!

My chicks are from Melissa. They are looking good and if the predictions on sex turn out to be correct I will have 5 out of 6 that are pullets - which would be just perfect as I think one of the whites is a cockerel and I really wanted a White Faverolles roo!

Sweet! Ya, I can't wait!! I hope
I get mostly girls, I have a really nice roo to go with them already, but I'll be keeping them all to see how they grow out for sure!!

Hope you get a good hatch! My chicks from Melissa are huge and super active one is GIANT and he has beautiful toes and a great comb! hope you get all of yours to hatch they will add allot to your flock.
Henry, I have one really big SF too. I'm hoping a girl, she's one of those tougher to sex, but the wings have alot of salmon in them. The 2 known cockerels, well, I would just keep those and sell the rest-they are soooooo tame! One cockerel jumps on my hand and gets comfortable. Or he walks up my arm to get a better look at me. He is a doll. He is always the one to come to the cage door when I come in the room. I've named him Jack Sparrow-for his adventurous nature, LOL. I'm sure he'll make alot of girls happy.
I've been absent this week after my hatch concluded. 5 on 3/1, 2 on 3/2, 1 on 3/3, and the last on 3/4. The other 3 I cracked and checked out, they had unabsorbed yolks and looked like they passed late in the development. I am not sure why but 9/12 feels like a great hatch rate to me.
They are chirping away in their brooder as I type and are displaying their wing feather coloring. I do notice some have shorter wings with more black in them, and a couple have longer wings with more salmon. I am hoping to have them sexed out by this weekend. I will try to post some photos then. Time sure flies when you have babies to take care of! They all seem to have the fear of God of me, I think this is normal for baby chicks? They run to one side of the brooder when I come over but then return to running around and pooping after a minute. If I use a high pitched voice and say "babies" they scatter and jump around like the chickens they are. I am not going to take it personally, I am giving them lots of love and food and today they got to play with some grass and dandelion leaves.

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