Faverolles Thread

Chickie'sMoma :

congrats Henry. can't wait to see their updated pics at their new home!

my mahogany fav has gone broody on me!
i need to get a pic of her fluffed up on the nest. it has been funny when i've walked into the coop and i haven't even walked by her but i hear her screech at me or another hen and i just know she's in there! i might just try and get those eggs from Nikki after all! i'll be back!!

I bet she is to goofy looking

I just realized how French my backyard looks! I looked out the window and I saw 7 faverolles trundling along in their run with two basset hounds sitting there watching.​
Chickie'sMoma :

heh. those hounds must enjoy the entertainment! think they all speak fluent french to each other?

I am sure they do the young one would tried to chase them at first but I am training her not to she is just a year old. The older one if friends with the chickens because after our first basset died she would spend all day hanging out wiht the hens. I wouldn't understand them if they spoke french I speak spanish.​
ok, as promised, here's Chloe, my 9mo old sitting on 4 eggs at the moment.


does anyone think that my Kiva would have some potential show qualities about her? she needs a bath but until we have warmer weather it will have to wait a little longer.
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Chickie'sMoma :

ok, as promised, here's Chloe, my 9mo old sitting on 4 eggs at the moment.


does anyone think that my Kiva would have some potential show qualities about her? she needs a bath but until we have warmer weather it will have to wait a little longer.

Oh they are really pretty girls is she blue mahogany? Or maybe that's just the flash. Kiva is very pretty and looks nice I have no idea if she has show potential that's why I am taking my birds to a show.​
i've been wondering about her tail color, i thought it was mostly showing blue but being a novice at the breed i was hoping someone would tell me more about it. her covered wing feathers are half blue/gray down the shaft and the other half that mahogany color when she spreads them. she has the nice gray under fluff that is called for in breeding so i think that is why she seems to look really blueish in the pic. i need to find a nice roo to put over her and see if i can get some more cute mahoganies from them.

i'll see if i can get a pic of her open wings sometime or some lost feathers.

btw, someone just posted this Craig's List add on another thread. i'm not sure of the exact location but i know it is not close to me. they are LF favs and a flock of 2 roos to 6 hens.
Chickie'sMoma :

i've been wondering about her tail color, i thought it was mostly showing blue but being a novice at the breed i was hoping someone would tell me more about it. her covered wing feathers are half blue/gray down the shaft and the other half that mahogany color when she spreads them. she has the nice gray under fluff that is called for in breeding so i think that is why she seems to look really blueish in the pic. i need to find a nice roo to put over her and see if i can get some more cute mahoganies from them.

i'll see if i can get a pic of her open wings sometime or some lost feathers.

btw, someone just posted this Craig's List add on another thread. i'm not sure of the exact location but i know it is not close to me. they are LF favs and a flock of 2 roos to 6 hens.

WOW those look really nice if someone is looking to get a start in LF faverolles those would be great. I love this cockeral I got I will have to take some pictures tommorow after my exams. The poor creatures are acting like they have never been outside which may well be the case they are in the chicken tractor and I am about to move them in for the night and rub some vasaline on his comb. Earlier when I went out they were staring outside at the garden and just sitting there overwhelmed I am sure. They must be thinking everything is going to eat me ha ha.

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So, let me ask this: how would two bantam SF roosters do together with maybe 18 hens in the same flock? My BRs refuse to share, but it would be nice to have more than one rooster so if something happened to one, I'd still have another till I could hatch another.
Hey Speckledhen I had a my Blue Salmon rooster in the flock with another cockeral and they only had 6 hens they tolerated each other very well. I am planning on keeping two rooster together in this flock. Here is a quote from Nikki's faverolles page : "They are consistent layers, brooders, moms and we've found it's pretty easy to keep a few males living together." http://faverolles.hattricksilkies.net/

Hope that answers your question there would defently be no problem with 18 hens I am sure they would be willing to share!
Cool! Dang buttheaded Dutch wouldn't allow his brother to stay in a flock of about 30 women, but it would be so nice if two roosters could tolerate each other. I had a feeling that the temperament of the bantam Favs would be different than my standard BRs.

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