Faverolles Thread

Don't panic, a roo changes so much. One minute he is the ugliest thing you have ever seen and the next minute you are saying OMG where did you come from. So don't jump the gun on getting rid of him. He is still very young

Yes, I've spoke w/Peter and Dick who have both stressed to me to let the birds mature before considering culling. Some mature faster, some slower, but I like this little guy because he's so thick and has a nice large-wide head on him
Thanks for the input


A wide head is great. Type is number one. I have a few bantam salmon pullets that have what I call "pin heads". These will be taking a ride.
Yes, I've spoke w/Peter and Dick who have both stressed to me to let the birds mature before considering culling. Some mature faster, some slower, but I like this little guy because he's so thick and has a nice large-wide head on him
Thanks for the input


A wide head is great. Type is number one. I have a few bantam salmon pullets that have what I call "pin heads". These will be taking a ride.

totally agree
In your young birds you have to give them time. After their first moult you can see more. I also have a book by Harry Lamon. Its called "Judging Poultry". As he states in the book:
FAVEROLLES: Males in this variety are often to white in top color, which should be straw color. The hackle, back and saddle feathers are often striped with black which is a defect. In females, especially in hens the breast color is sometimes to light. They are also apt to have a heavy striping in hackle, which gives this section the appearance of being to dark.
This book was published in 1929. Again he's talking of older birds.

Thank you Dick. That is what I wasn't sure of - whether he was referring to young birds or older ones. I will just continue watching them grow and see what I end up with in the fall.
I myself would never do that, but that is just me. I think the bantam roos are getting too big now, let alone breeding to LF. But again that is just me.

NO, I appreciate the info...I've lost 3 entire breeding groups (as you all know) to yote attacks and stray starving dogs. So the 14 birds I have is it. That's all I've got to work with, but mine are all very small bantams, that's why I asked about the possibility of adding LF to improve. I will not do that now. Thank you Leisha
I myself would never do that, but that is just me. I think the bantam roos are getting too big now, let alone breeding to LF. But again that is just me.

NO, I appreciate the info...I've lost 3 entire breeding groups (as you all know) to yote attacks and stray starving dogs. So the 14 birds I have is it. That's all I've got to work with, but mine are all very small bantams, that's why I asked about the possibility of adding LF to improve. I will not do that now. Thank you Leisha

remember just my preference. Other people might not agree
Hey GypsyChick! You are certainly not intruding.
The striping that I noticed on my birds is vertical, running down the center of the feather. But actually, the book doesn't describe or illustrate what they are talking about. I assumed it meant a vertical stripe as I would consider a horizontal one to be barring (the book doesn't mention barring). The book goes on to say "Males without any stripe in hackle and saddle give a clear hackle in females, while those which show striping are apt to cause a black ticking in the hackle feathers. Breeders of both sexes should have clean hackles."

Ok, I follow now, sorry. If you look at my little man he has both "barring" and also the stripe down center of a few feathers...so I wasnt quite sure which you were ref. to

On another note, I've considered adding some LF favs to my program in hopes of improving TYPE in my bantams. Any suggestions or advice on doing this? Have any of you done such breedings, and if so, what were your results? Thanks in advance.


ETA: correct spelling...this silly COMPUTER cant spell worth a darn! Er maybe it's the user...haahaa

Crossing bantams to large is a long process. Supposedly the way it should work is you will end up with 25% large Faverolles that should be larger than the large hen you started with, 50% of the chicks will be intermediates, to small to be called a large and to big to be called a bantam, and 25% really small birds that should be smaller than the bantam you used. This is based on hatching 100 chicks. My buddy, Eddie and I attempted it years ago but didn't have the space to hold the birds. We did get a few large birds but it seemed they ended up carrying their wings almost at a vertical position. We decided not to continue it.
Yes, I've spoke w/Peter and Dick who have both stressed to me to let the birds mature before considering culling. Some mature faster, some slower, but I like this little guy because he's so thick and has a nice large-wide head on him
Thanks for the input


You're learning Misty! My two youngest have that too. Let's see I'm starting my trance for clairvoyance, oh ye magical black ball will they both be stippled???? I see an,, I see an
nothing at all.


Ha, good one Pete.
Did I say something out of line, or what would otherwise be considered a STUPID question? I ask only because I love my birds and want to improve them to the very best of my ability. I dont mind the jokes or nit-picking, but what I do need is advice from those of you who are willing to help preserve and keep my small program going. Maybe I read the posts wrong, I apologize if so. However just because I'm considered a "youngster" in the fav breeding world, does NOT mean my intentions are any different than those of any of you. LF to Bantam...I dont know because I've ONLY ever have bantams. How to improve, I dont Know because I'm working with isolated stock and 14 birds, who BTW are all related in some form or another. I guess I'll go back and lurk for now. Sorry If my ignorant questions and asking for help was an ignorant or stupid thing to post. Thanks to everyone who has lent and hand in helping me progress...I deeply appreciate your help, time and info.

me if need be...I can take it
I don't see where you were out of line, and there are no STUPID questions. Pete, Leisha and I just give you advice from our experiences. Not saying it wouldn't work for you. I do a lot of crazy breedings where people say it wouldn't work, but I'm the type that likes to see for myself.

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