Favorite actions or sounds of your birds?

Aww I would love to have one take a nap on me lol As chicks the only one that didn't mind being held was Rosemary but even then she still liked her friends better. Chicken sneezes are cute lol
He doesn’t like me touching him anymore lol. Now he just stares into my soul with his creepy eyes.


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When my Barred Rock Xenobia is on the nest, she makes her very own weird distinctive sounds while she's working to lay her egg. It's a low pitched, kind of rusty-sounding "Rrrrr-rrrr-rrrr" growly-rumble we've started calling her "rusty dinosaur" sound. None of the other 7 girls vocalize while they're laying, just Miss Xena!

When she's done, she just leaves the nest box - never heard egg song from her. I'll suddenly realize the rumbles have stopped and, "Oh, hi!" as she moseys out of the coop to go on about her chicken business. Funny that she doesn't do egg song as she's quite vocal otherwise, quite the vocabulary of chicken prattle in her distinctive alto voice.

She's very mellow & sociable and not averse to being held & cuddled, which is pretty irresistible since she's such a plush floofy girl!
All of my “micro” and “mini” chickens are fun to be around. In particular, the Mille Fleur d’Uccle hens, Porcelain d’Anvers rooster, and Serama cockerels will not leave me alone until they’re on my lap or in my arms. They peck at/pull at my clothes until I pick them up. Some take mini naps while I hold them. Others enjoy flying up to me without notice. I’ve learned to always be ready to play their favorite game… “catch the flying micro chicken“. Every time I’m inside the Serama Chateau, I’m surrounded immediately by teeny chickens wanting my attention. I absolutely love it! ❤️ In my “standard” hen building, the Buff Orpingtons (especially) greet me right away… making soft clucking sounds and hopping up on the nesting boxes anxiously waiting for me to distribute the food.
My girls Darlin and Little One will run under the coop and squak at me. I have to tell them to go use the door and after a minute or so they run out the door and over to where I am. Sometimes when I put the hose on the ground for them (they absolutely go crazy for the hose), they will start trying to drink and then they make such an adorable little squeaky sneeze, at least that's what it sounds like to me. I am so in love with my girls.
When my Barred Rock Xenobia is on the nest, she makes her very own weird distinctive sounds while she's working to lay her egg. It's a low pitched, kind of rusty-sounding "Rrrrr-rrrr-rrrr" growly-rumble we've started calling her "rusty dinosaur" sound. None of the other 7 girls vocalize while they're laying, just Miss Xena!

When she's done, she just leaves the nest box - never heard egg song from her. I'll suddenly realize the rumbles have stopped and, "Oh, hi!" as she moseys out of the coop to go on about her chicken business. Funny that she doesn't do egg song as she's quite vocal otherwise, quite the vocabulary of chicken prattle in her distinctive alto voice.

She's very mellow & sociable and not averse to being held & cuddled, which is pretty irresistible since she's such a plush floofy girl!
Wait, my barred rock Esther does this exact same thing when she lays an egg, and it realy scared me the first time, lol! I thought she was dying, or it was a wild bird! She also bosses me around. When she sees me she greets me with a very loud baaawk-baaawwk-bawk repeatedly, until I let her out into the yard.
No egg song either!


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My chickens used to scratch at my shorts ALL. THE. TIME.

My favorite noises are when they sneeze while eating and purring. When my roo was about 4 weeks old I used to hold him and he always purred and fell asleep on me ❤️
Omg I thought my hens were the only ones who did the little hiccup-sneezes! It gets me every time hahaha

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