Favorite thing YOUR chickens do!

My favorite thing my chickens do is when I'm holding something or taking a picture of them, they tilt their head and look at me with one eye. I think it's so funny! What's your favorite thing your chickens do?

shmccarthy - What kind of hen is pictured in this post?
I love it when my silkie actually gets a berry and runs around like a madman trying to avoid my Easter Eggers from stealing it on him!!! Actually just watching them run around, and watching their fluffy butts wiggle!!!
I love when my chicken Henley would run her little heart out to follow me around, just after her two chick mates passed, because I would keep her with me so she wasn't alone. Now that I got her 2 new chick friends she doesn't do it anymore! :(
I have a little group of chicks, 7 one-month old welsummers and their adopted mommy, a 3-month-old easter egger. I absolutely love watching them. They go everywhere in the yard together, do everything together. Then if one chick somehow gets lost, they'll cheep really loud to find it, and it will cheep loudly to be found. Then the whole group runs wildly together so everyone is reunited.
I have many other chickens, one none are as united as this little group.
My 2 new Australorps do that! Plus there is a young Red Sex Link and they both keep her with them. Such sweet chickens.
They are pretty **** cool to watch no matter what they do! But I have to say....the one that my daughter trained to sit in her lap on the swing is way up there!!!
I love when my chickens, a Brahma and a Barred Rock come into back door. They stay on the tile otherwise they will slip on the hardwood floor. Wish I had a picture for you. It is sweet. They are looking for some thawed frozen corn.

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