Feather cyst?! What is this?


Feb 1, 2023
My duck was attacked by a raccoon 3 weeks ago and had been doing a LOT better but today I noticed this weird pimple on his wing where there was a scratch but it healed over. Is this a feather cyst? I heard, if it is, it needs surgical removal! It’s making me anxious because my family and I have just spent almost 800 dollars on vet bills for my cat with asthma and a duck that had to be put down just a few days ago. What can I do for him? Or is it something else? It’s a bit squishy but still mostly firm. It kind of feels like a pus filled pimple. Any advice I would be grateful for because I’m not sure we can afford anymore vet visits…


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Lance it quickly and firmly rather than gently -- doing it quickly minimizes the pain. I think perhaps Canadian Wind meant be gentle with your duck: wrap him in an old towel with just the wound accessible. Covering his head will probably stop him struggling. Can someone else hold him while you do the lancing?

Then use triple antibiotic ointment
I would say the wound has probably abscessed. Was he given any antibiotics, or was the wound treated regularly with some? If it feels squishy, you might want to try to gently lance it and drain it, then apply some ointment.
He’s been taking baytril for 2 days now but for the back 3 weeks I’ve been treating it with vetericyn, saline, and neosporin. Just wondering, what do I lance it with? Do I just poke it with a needle? :hitI’m scared to do it and to answer ruthhope, yes I have someone else to help me hold him thankfully
He’s been taking baytril for 2 days now but for the back 3 weeks I’ve been treating it with vetericyn, saline, and neosporin. Just wondering, what do I lance it with? Do I just poke it with a needle? :hitI’m scared to do it and to answer ruthhope, yes I have someone else to help me hold him thankfully
You might use a surgical lance from a pharmacy, or a oneside razor blade. Use whichever you use straight from the package so that it is clean and sharp. I would not use a two sided razor blade because of the difficulty in safely holding it.

If you are worried about this [and I understsand your anxiety] do you have a nurse friend who might lance it for you?
He’s been taking baytril for 2 days now but for the back 3 weeks I’ve been treating it with vetericyn, saline, and neosporin. Just wondering, what do I lance it with? Do I just poke it with a needle? :hitI’m scared to do it and to answer ruthhope, yes I have someone else to help me hold him thankfully
Don't feel too badly. It will not hurt too much, and it's the best option for his wellbeing. He'll be much happier once it's done and healing :hugs
You might use a surgical lance from a pharmacy, or a oneside razor blade. Use whichever you use straight from the package so that it is clean and sharp. I would not use a two sided razor blade because of the difficulty in safely holding it.

If you are worried about this [and I understsand your anxiety] do you have a nurse friend who might lance it for you?
I’m lucky all of my family work in the medical field so I can get a sterile needle from my mom to lance the wound with and my aunt is a nurse so I might ask her for some advice before I do it. I’m mostly afraid of blood loss and how to stop the bleeding if there is any I guess some articles were scaring me that if it is a feather cyst that there can be a lot of bleeding involved 😢 it is just so strange because my mom who is a med tech doesn’t really have any idea what it is but she’s sure it’s not any type of infection just by the way it looks. Thank you all for your advice I’ll drain it as soon as possible and I’m hoping this won’t be too serious and is just the simple solution of popping and draining with no follow up issues
I’m lucky all of my family work in the medical field so I can get a sterile needle from my mom to lance the wound with and my aunt is a nurse so I might ask her for some advice before I do it. I’m mostly afraid of blood loss and how to stop the bleeding if there is any I guess some articles were scaring me that if it is a feather cyst that there can be a lot of bleeding involved 😢 it is just so strange because my mom who is a med tech doesn’t really have any idea what it is but she’s sure it’s not any type of infection just by the way it looks. Thank you all for your advice I’ll drain it as soon as possible and I’m hoping this won’t be too serious and is just the simple solution of popping and draining with no follow up issues
Have a paper towel on hand, after you have emptied it, if there is continuous bleeding, hold the paper towel to the wound until it stops. If there is a lot of bleeding, which I'm not sure there will be, you can use cornstarch or blood stop powder on the wound to stop it.

I expect there won't be much, but I'm sure you'll feel better if prepared incase.
Good luck!
Tractor supply is a good source for things like scalpels, syringes etc.
my Mother in-law os a PA, but she shakes like a dog pooping pine cones so I find i am better off on my own.
It is scary, check out some YouTube on the subject and get all of your supplies ready and all layed out on a clean sterile surface within east reach, get very good lighting, I like to do duck surgery on my workbench in my basement, well lit, comfortable standing height and easy reach of everything with room to lay things down. Get someone calm and patient to help and yes do wrap snugly in a towel, get his leg s folded up and wings folded in and bind them firmly.

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