Feather Footed Mystery Chick

I’m sorry, but the CX butterball looks so funny with the other chicks 🤣

The ones in the top pic look brownish to me…? But yeah the second pic they definitely look blackish.
Blame the cell phone. I'm the photographer, I do. ;)

Actually, both are true. The cell phone does strange things with color - I think Samsung built in some auto balancing or auto color correction? and the fact that everything is out of focus, out of frame, or both? that's all me.

that was last year, start of the Pandemic in earnest - you bought what was in stock, or you went home w/o chicks - and most of the time, they sold out before I could complete the 45 minute drive to the store.
And have you ever heard the saying ''if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all"?
Most ADULTS can take some humor and not get all bent over it.

Someone posted, if you bought stew chickens WHY did they throw in a potential non stewer? Excellent question. Although I am not there, I have a feeling they end up with a LOT of chicks that are extras, not wanted, not selling fast enough etc, so use them as fillers in the box. This lets YOU deal with the GUILT of what to do with it. In their eyes, the bird is off their hands / no longer costing them money to take care of, and they fulfilled their end of the deal by giving you the amount of MIXED birds you ordered alive, with potentially a few extra's. Most places say they throw in an extra bird or two, to ensure survivability, or similar verbage but do they come out and say YES it WILL be the same you ordered??

On a similar topic, for those who do order live birds from places like this, on average, how many do end up at your doorstep dead?

On a similar topic, for those who do order live birds from places like this, on average, how many do end up at your doorstep dead?
We ordered 16. Received 17 live (no DOA). One died the first night. We expect that to be our first and last order as we plan on hatching our own. Ducks are still a thought for us, we may order those.
We ordered 16. Received 17 live (no DOA). One died the first night. We expect that to be our first and last order as we plan on hatching our own. Ducks are still a thought for us, we may order those.
If you are looking for meat bird ducks, I can recommend Pekins. Excellent flavor, good weight gain, relatively easy to break down, once you learn that their skeleton really isn't like a chicken's...

That's why we raise ours. That said, they take forever to start laying (we hatch replacements for those we eat), you want to order soon if you want eggs in Spring. and DAMN but those eggs are tasty! (only every other day though, they aren't frequent layers, and they take long "vacations" between laying clutches)
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And you know what is my bad??? 🤦‍♀️ It just occurred to me that last year I got BOTH a Dark Brahma AND a partridge Cochin in the same order from MCMURRAY!! I don’t think I have pics!! Unfortunately both are deceased this year (investigating possibilities - r/o reproductive, heat, respiratory). I don’t remember what they looked like as chicks, but apparently they were different enough for me and the girl I split the order with to tell them apart.
I have a fried who has Khacki Campbells and they do ok with eggs. I get the eggs from time to time and they are decent, the ducks seem more quiet too. How would they be as compared to a Peking?

How loud can ducks get? Im not talking if something scares / attacks them but in general can they really raise hell and cause neighborly grief?


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