Feather Pecking


7 Years
Jan 5, 2017
Westminster, Colorado
Hello! We have a Brahma who is about a year old who has a ton of missing feathers on her back from pecking. It began a couple months ago, and started with some wounds, so I think originally she was being picked on by our bossy Copper Maran. It started when we had a long stretch of very cold weather and when they started laying eggs again. I think they were “cooped” up and fighting for the preferred egg laying space (which weirdly is not in a nesting box). We used vetricin and hen healer, and the wounds would heal and then come back.

After a couple weeks, we added a hen saddle to keep the other chickens from pecking her. She’s had it on for about a month. The peck wounds are gone, and she had feathers coming back in, but when I checked under the apron today the feathers were gone. She’s missing some near her vent too now. There’s no wounds this time, so I’m not convinced that it’s the other chickens. I think she may be doing it herself.

Our plan is to remove the saddle (we thought it might be bothering her), and use the hen healer to help deter pecking. Should we also add in an anti pecking spray or lotion? If so, which do you recommend? We’ve had chickens for 6 years and never had this issue, so I’m not sure what to buy.

Should we separate her if it continues or she starts to have wounds again? I’ve read both that this can be a bad idea and can fix the problem.

I’ll give that a try! Thanks!!
How u get on with vaseline?
I got 4 chickens, 2 new Marans & they seem to get on well now, anyway I noticed one of the new Marans is pecking the other ones vent area a lot , she does it gently so the other Maran doesn't flinch or notice. What can I do? I don't like seeing her skin but she doesn't seem bothered at same time??
How u get on with vaseline?
I got 4 chickens, 2 new Marans & they seem to get on well now, anyway I noticed one of the new Marans is pecking the other ones vent area a lot , she does it gently so the other Maran doesn't flinch or notice. What can I do? I don't like seeing her skin but she doesn't seem bothered at same time??
We haven’t had much luck unfortunately… right now we’re keeping her separated (but visible to) the other chickens during the day and letting her roost with them at night. We’re applying Vaseline and peck no more, when she goes in to roost. I’ll let you know how that works.

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