Feather plucking - supplements?


Apr 7, 2022
Chickens are feather plucking. All but one (Australorp) has a bare patch at base of tail. The worst offender seems to be a Rhode Island Red. It went right up to a dust bathing chicken (same breed) and started pulling out and eating feathers. I don't think this is the head chicken but it seems to be acting high up there.
Also have silver and gold laced Wyandottes to illustrate breed colors. (The gold laced has a bare bottom)
Which vitamins should I try to supplement to their feed?
I would switch to a higher protein feed, preferably one with 20% protein.

That said, in addition to that you might also need to jail the worst offenders for a week or so and/or put pinless peepers on everyone to break the habit. Also how big are your coop and run in feet and for how many birds? Pictures of your setup would be helpful as well
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but reds are notorious for feather picking (guess how I know!) What feed are you using (especially protein %)? What's your setup look like? Are they free ranging?
The run is at least 4 ft × 10 ft for five birds. No, I cannot free range in current location.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but reds are notorious for feather picking (guess how I know!) What feed are you using (especially protein %)? What's your setup look like? Are they free ranging?
I'm not entirely sure of protein content as it's a feed store blend and I didn't purchase it. It is a layer blend so I'm sure the owners did their research. The hens pick out the sunflower seeds from it though.

The run is about 4 ft x 12 ft with five hens in it currently. I've jailed the worst offender RIR and considering taking out the second too.

I cannot free range due to city policies unfortunately.
The minimum recommendation is 10 sqft/bird in the run, so you're a bit cramped in there. Can you add an extension? If you're able to post a picture, we can try to give some suggestions on how to improve.

Personally, I'd get rid of the layer blend (especially if it's a mix with sunflower seeds, because naturally they'll pick out the best bits) and pick up a bag of chick feed and oyster shells. The RIRs will appreciate the extra protein and take their calcium from the oyster shell as needed (just keep a dish on the side).

You've already worked to separate the bully, so give that a week or so to see if she knocks it off. If not, I'd re-home her to a free range situation.

I'm also unable to free range and have found that it's a challenge to keep active birds in confinement without some real effort and thought. A lot of the advice I found online was complete BS.

Check out this BYC article. It's one of my favorites.

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