
Jul 10, 2024
Guys I’m not sure what to do :( we had one hen about a week ago that plucked all her chest feathers out and now we have another hen who’s butt feathers got plucked out. I’m not sure if she did this or other chickens did this to her but it seems bad and uncomfortable. I checked for mites and there have been no signs. Our other 2 hens are perfectly fine and haven’t plucked or gotten any of their feathers plucked. They are 9 months old and I’m not sure if this is molting, boredom/bulling, or protein deficiency. Should I isolate her? And what can I put on it to help her heal up? They are on 20% protein feed and I have tried many ways to keep them occupied during the day.


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Poor hens! I'm not completely sure what you should do but I do remember reading somewhere that broody hens may pluck their chest feathers out. Also, it makes sense to isolate her because other chickens may start pecking her, but do what works for you. Good luck!
Poor hens! I'm not completely sure what you should do but I do remember reading somewhere that broody hens may pluck their chest feathers out. Also, it makes sense to isolate her because other chickens may start pecking her, but do what works for you. Good luck!
Thank you!!
Guys I’m not sure what to do :( we had one hen about a week ago that plucked all her chest feathers out and now we have another hen who’s butt feathers got plucked out. I’m not sure if she did this or other chickens did this to her but it seems bad and uncomfortable. I checked for mites and there have been no signs. Our other 2 hens are perfectly fine and haven’t plucked or gotten any of their feathers plucked. They are 9 months old and I’m not sure if this is molting, boredom/bulling, or protein deficiency. Should I isolate her? And what can I put on it to help her heal up? They are on 20% protein feed and I have tried many ways to keep them occupied during the day.
Photos of the pullet with the chest feathers plucked?

If you have 2 pullet that are perfectly feathers and 2 that are plucked, you have a plucking problem.

How much space do they have? Do you have photos of your setup?

Is 4 pullets all you have?

You may find that they need more space. Pinless peeper is another option to help deter picking.

For the bare bummed girl, apply some NuStock cream to the skin to help it heal and keep poop from burning the skin.

I wouldn't separate her out. If she's getting picked at now, separation for a period of time will just make reintegration a bear to deal with.

While you're at it, do check for lice or mites, to make sure those are not a problem too.
Photos of the pullet with the chest feathers plucked?

If you have 2 pullet that are perfectly feathers and 2 that are plucked, you have a plucking problem.

How much space do they have? Do you have photos of your setup?

Is 4 pullets all you have?

You may find that they need more space. Pinless peeper is another option to help deter picking.

For the bare bummed girl, apply some NuStock cream to the skin to help it heal and keep poop from burning the skin.

I wouldn't separate her out. If she's getting picked at now, separation for a period of time will just make reintegration a bear to deal with.

While you're at it, do check for lice or mites, to make sure those are not a problem too.
Here is the other hen. We only have 4 hens and have a 12x8(or 10) run for them. I feel that they have plenty of space. I separated her for tomorrow since we’re not home during the day and planned on getting her hen healer and throwing her back in once we got home. I also plan on taking the bully out. How do I deal with the bully??? No lice or mites either.


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What breeds are the other pullets? Some breeds need more space and several hours of free ranging time daily to keep them busy or else they acquire nasty habits like feather plucking and bullying other flock mates.

I would separate the instigator for a few days and put some pinless peepers on her before allowing her back .
What breeds are the other pullets? Some breeds need more space and several hours of free ranging time daily to keep them busy or else they acquire nasty habits like feather plucking and bullying other flock mates.

I would separate the instigator for a few days and put some pinless peepers on her before allowing her back .
I think they are leghorns?? Here is a picture of her. She doesn’t sit there and peck/pluck all day but she will peck her while the buff Orpington is in the nesting box or will peck her butt.


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UPDATE: I got some hen healer and I am going to apply it and stick her back in the run with the other hens. I want to fix the bullying problem though. how can I do that? Do I isolate her inside the house or inside a crate that sits in the run? I only have a dog crate and i am scared one of them will jump on it and get hurt or stuck in the crate...
Have you seen a lot of picking? Is it possible that you have roost bars that are close together? Depending on the position of the hen on the roost, those areas are both accessible to another hen if they are on roost bars to close to one another. Perhaps one is picking in the morning?
Have you seen a lot of picking? Is it possible that you have roost bars that are close together? Depending on the position of the hen on the roost, those areas are both accessible to another hen if they are on roost bars to close to one another. Perhaps one is picking in the morning?
The roost bars are pretty close in the coop but we’re unable to move them since it was one from tractor supply. I don’t think it’s happening in there. They are pretty quiet at night. I see it happening more during the day in the run. Only 1 hen messes with her and then she (the hurt one) messes with another hen.

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