Feather Sexing??


12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
North West South Dakota
I was just wondering what chicks you can feather sex and which one's you cannot? Let's see if I got this right, if they are the same length they are roos, and if the front row is shorter then the back row they are pullets?

Can you tell a bantam cochin mixed with br is male of female by this? Thanks for you help in advance.
Its ALL same size MALES, and ONE LONG and ONE SHORT in a row for FEMALES.
How exactly do you do this? I have 36 chickens age 5 weeks and am trying to figure out how many are boys. We have a mix of dual purpose so we can utilize the boys when they are up to size. My understanding is that dual purpose mature slower so they will be around 3-4 months old before it is time to thin them out. Thanks.

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