Feathered leg chick issue.


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2024
Hello! I’m a new chicken owner. I recently recieved 6 chicks from a hatchery. The chicks are now 2 weeks old. All seemed very healthy up until a few days ago.
My Splash Marans has been extremely small since day one, but otherwise seemed healthy and kept up with the larger chicks . I recently noticed her not getting up to walk and sleeping more than usual. The only thing I’ve noticed on her physically is some of the new pin feathers on her legs appear broken and one had a tiny spot of blood.
Is it possible that she’s not walking because she’s in pain?
I’ve been taking her away from the others periodically to make sure she’s getting enough food and water. Her appetite is still good just doesn’t want to move around much and I've noticed she’s getting stepped on by the others. I currently have her separated.. Not sure if there’s anything else that I can do? I really don’t want to lose her.

I also want to mention that this chick has been extremely loud since day one. Chirps non stop and sounds different from the others , a little more high pitched.
Some chicks exhibit failure to thrive. They may have been stressed early on or there may be some congenital problem. Sometimes they rebound and catch up to their brood mates. Vitamin supplementation might help. Good luck.
Some chicks exhibit failure to thrive. They may have been stressed early on or there may be some congenital problem. Sometimes they rebound and catch up to their brood mates. Vitamin supplementation might help. Good luck.
Thank you. After reading a little bit about it .. it definitely sounds like it could be that . I added some electrolytes and probiotics to her water. Hoping for the best.

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