February 2023 hatch-a-long

Day 12 here. I pulled the last of my Easter Egger eggs this morning. It was either a clear with several blood spots or a very, very early quitter. There are 4 Marans and 7 Ameraucana eggs, all shipped, still in the incubator. I’m not 100% confident in some of them, but I’m going to let them stay for now and just monitor closely.


I’ll start collecting my eggs again today to plan to re-try the Easter Eggers after this batch hatches next week. If I still don’t get any successful hatchlings, I’m going to have to assume my current rooster is a dud. Last year, out of three batches, I successfully hatched one of his chicks, which was of course a cockerel. I had mostly fertile eggs then, though, but lots of late quitters, which is why I purchased a new incubator next year. He’s a super, super sweet rooster whose genetics I’d really like to keep in the flock, if I could just get a few successful pullet hatches!
How many hens does your rooster have? Sometimes they have favorite hens they like, sometimes when they're nice they aren't aggressive breeders. I'd take my friendly roosters any day.
Also in the extreme heat they might back off breeding. I hope you'll try again.
How many hens does your rooster have? Sometimes they have favorite hens they like, sometimes when they're nice they aren't aggressive breeders. I'd take my friendly roosters any day.
Also in the extreme heat they might back off breeding. I hope you'll try again.

He has 5 hens. He’s been a fairly average breeder, generally, and the eggs I crack for breakfast are fertile. But the hatch rates are dismal.

It’s winter here in middle TN and has been fairly mild, weather wise (the AU in my username represents a former employer, not my location). 3 of my hens are three years old this year, the rooster and one hen are 2 years old, and then I have one hen that is just coming 1 year old this spring.
He has 5 hens. He’s been a fairly average breeder, generally, and the eggs I crack for breakfast are fertile. But the hatch rates are dismal.

It’s winter here in middle TN and has been fairly mild, weather wise (the AU in my username represents a former employer, not my location). 3 of my hens are three years old this year, the rooster and one hen are 2 years old, and then I have one hen that is just coming 1 year old this spring.
:oops: oops sorry, I should have looked at location and not username. :thumbsup
Two are out! One looks like it might be starting to zip. 5 pips right now. Livestream is still on. The two that hatched are in the brooder.
I just put 10 “fridge eggs” into lockdown, set to hatch Feb 9. This is just a personal experiment - I had been under the impression that refrigerated eggs of unknown age will have a bad hatch rate, deformities etc. but I wanted to see for myself. They will be backyard mixes from a local friend’s flock (red and black sex-links with a black sex-link or Light Sussex rooster)

Joke’s on me, 10/10 fertilized and growing lmao I’m probably going to eat the roosters and sell the pullets, because I really want to hatch colored layers this year.

I have a SECOND batch set to hatch on Valentine’s Day - I have 5 shipped eggs—a couple Blue Copper Marans, Legbars, and an Araucana egg in there, plus 5 more fridge mix eggs.

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Where did you get the Blue Copper Marans eggs from?
It can take up to 24 hrs from pip to zip. They need that time to absorb the yolk and veins. A good tip is use coconut oil to moisten the membrane and also it will show if there are still veins. Was it just a bit of blood or a decent amount?
Just a bit but she still might have suffered blood loss because you don't really know how much blood is in us, never mind a tiny chick.
:goodpost: What she said!
@LhickenChicken, Sit. on. your. hands. :) Patience!
Don't try to assist until it's been 24 hours past the pip. They will pip to breathe, then rest and sleep off and on. During this time, they are absorbing the rest of the yolk and the blood vessels will dry up, the beak will open & close, and they will chirp and wiggle. And they will sleep for long periods of time. If you assist too soon, the chick could die. Just be patient until tomorrow afternoon.
🤣 That's the same advice but I will sit on my hands.
😭That is I would if I had not already assisted. She started bleeding so I put a paper towel there and in the evening I tried to remove it and she started chirping even louder. Patience, Me! ----------->:smackWHY did I do that!? aaaAAAAAaaaaaAAARGggggh!!!!!!!!!!!

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