February 2023 hatch-a-long

I ordered eggs for January send/set date, with a February hatch date. This is a way off, but I thought I would put this tread up for people planning to hatch eggs in Feb. I decided to hatch because it was hard to get all these chicks I wanted shipped at the same time. Some were not available and some were pricier as a chick. I know eggs will be 1/2 roosters. I am okay with that. And I enjoy hatching. I have hatched many eggs in the past local and shipped. (Incubators foam, 2, Little Giant, with turner, for the first 18 days, dry hatch -but natrually 50%, works best for me, moving to a farm innovators for the hatching, still air, I will bring the humidity up to 60% or so.)

I plan on posting photos and my steps,

BCM-Dark brown eggs
Frizzle EE-green/blue eggs
blue orpington-tan eggs
olive egger-dark green eggs
lavender orpington split to black.-tan eggs
Blue andelusian-white eggs

I am interested in other people who may be hatching shipped eggs during a similar time, or their own, or if you want to join the watch.
I’ll definitely be following!
I have 11 Muscovy eggs incubating and 6 chicken eggs.
Neither moms went broody and my Muscovy has been laying since January 23rd!!

Best of luck to all! 🥰
I'm having problems with the last egg. The chick has pipped internally but nothing since. I can hear it's trying but no pip in the shell. Everybody else is out now and that is worying. I did a safety hole about 5-6 hrs ago so i think I'm going to wait a bit longer and then open the egg from the air cell. Hopefully it won't be necessary.

Edit: it won't. It's just pipped 💪
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Here they are! Interestingly the Ca/white eggs 3 seem to have black specks in them like austra whites and one has red specks. I do have a rir and austrlorp rooster but he is young I didn't think he'd mated them! The welsummer babies are def the reds. They even got the reddish beaks how cute!!!


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All nine of mine are out. What a fun bunch! Here's a photo of the first to hatch - isn't she a beautiful color? Can't wait to see how she grows up. I also ended up with at least one who is lavender-ish. I do have a lavender cockerel but didn't think it would carry through on any of my hens. Genetics are wild!

I do have one who may have to be culled, sadly. Its eyes seem to be stuck open and dried out. I've wiped them and put terramycin on, and we'll see. I'm already at my limit for special needs/extra work birds at the moment, but I want to give it at least a chance. Photo:

You can see the lower eyelid and the space where the eye should be. Under the lower eyelid the eye still looks normal (dark, shiny) so I haven't totally given up. If I should give up please tell me - thank you from a newbie.
.... I do have one who may have to be culled, sadly. Its eyes seem to be stuck open and dried out. I've wiped them and put terramycin on, and we'll see. I'm already at my limit for special needs/extra work birds at the moment, but I want to give it at least a chance [..............] You can see the lower eyelid and the space where the eye should be. Under the lower eyelid the eye still looks normal (dark, shiny) so I haven't totally given up. If I should give up please tell me - thank you from a newbie.
That's not just some bit of tissue stuck and dried to the eyeball? That's what it looks like in the photo.

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