Fed Chickens this and eggs came out weird??

Keep them dry, draft free, well fed and watered, and they will handle winter temperatures far lower than you will see in Texas.

Absolutely agree. We get well below zero here every winter. We can go weeks near zero. So long as they have acclimated in the fall and are healthy they do very well indeed.
It happens, don't know why. This is one of the last eggs my EE Bea laid before she molted, green in the middle dark on both ends kind of a pre done Easter egg. :)
Stress is a big factor in weird eggs. Have any info them lost any feathers from possible "pecking order" issues? That could be a sign something is afoot in the coop. "Cooped up" frustration. Heating their coop isn't really necessary as long as there isn't a draft. It does need ventilation for the moisture from breathing and urate in their droppings, but must avoid drafts. ACV is always a good fall back if there is a question in the digestion.
People often mistake coincidence for causation. If you believe the chicken treats were responsible for the decline in egg quality, wait a few days, and repeat the experiment. If the eggs again decline in quality, you may then have reason to associate it with the treats. But you should wait a few days, and repeat the experiment a third time to confirm your suspicions.

If the heat lamp is creating a temperature much higher in the coop than what the chickens experience outside during the day, this is going to be a big stressor. Extreme temperature fluctuation is far harder on chickens than enduring constant cold.
I wouldn't worry to much about the interestingly colored eggs. Mine were always fine and I expect yours are too.

I would not bother heating wheat you are at in the country.

As azygous said likely a coincidence. The time to worry is if oddities are repeated. You could try waiting a few days and then feeding the treat again and watch for another oddity. Then repeat again.

It is a very logical way of testing the theory.
Agreed with above posters about the heat lamp being a possible stressor. Especially, if OP has a smallish coop. Ditch the lamp. At worst, it's a fire hazard. At best, it's an un needed use of electricity, can overheat the birds. My birds do well with repeated nights and sometimes days down to or below 0*F through out our winter, and sometimes have weeks on end when the temp never even gets up above 20*F.

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