Fed up of pullets refusing to go in coop!

I agree the new girls probably don't feel welcome in with the old girls. Is there any room to add new roosts in the big coop for the pullets? It's kind of like going to a new lunchroom and you don't know where to sit because you don't want to take someone's seat. The old flock has their spots and the younger ladies don't want to ruffle any feathers.
What about using fencing (1x2 or 2x4) around the coop vs netting? Then, use the netting over to keep them from flying out until they get the idea. It's a lot of open space and chickens like to roost as high as they can get.
I’ve thrown my toys out the pram tonight and locked them in with food and water.
I spent ages today making a small pen around the coop.
Then the blinking goose and one of my ducks tried to walk through and got in a jam!! Really lucky I was there. It was so tight too but they walk into it, necks through then panicking twist the netting.
There is plenty of perch space as it’s a Maggie 24 house 7x4x6ft. I also have a spare low perch that has lived in there years for new hens going in.
I really feel for them all. Concerned about fighting and the fact the older chickens are stuck. I’m tempted to try just get them out first thing.
There’s only 3 older chickens and my roo in there. My other hens sat in the piggery brooding some turkey poults.
I’ve only put 7 poults in tonight the others refuse to be caught and I had to give up.
So 11 in the coop in total.
I’m wondering if locking them in for just one day will be enough.
I’ve only put 7 poults in tonight the others refuse to be caught and I had to give up.
So 11 in the coop in total.
I’m wondering if locking them in for just one day will be enough.
Bless you.

I'd keep them in for a few days.
I let my chicks out into the run too fast (after 3 days) because it was so hot, but I think it would have been better if they'd stayed there for 4 or even 5 days.

Best of luck!
How long are your perches, are you hens large medium or small breeds and how many hens are currently in there ?

Normally I work on 1 ft of perch per hen and my hens are medium sized breed (they wiggle a lot overnight)
I have 20ft of perch space then. With only 3 older hens and a roo who all roost on the top perch one end.
The pullets don’t even need to go near them. They are all med breeds. Hybrids from my barred Plymouth Rock and a few cream leg bars.

I’ve caved and let them out. They kept knocking the water and feed flying and the noise was insane.
So I’m back to square 1 now. I expect I’ll be chasing gremlins again tonight 😭.
I have 20ft of perch space then. With only 3 older hens and a roo who all roost on the top perch one end.
The pullets don’t even need to go near them. They are all med breeds. Hybrids from my barred Plymouth Rock and a few cream leg bars.

I’ve caved and let them out. They kept knocking the water and feed flying and the noise was insane.
So I’m back to square 1 now. I expect I’ll be chasing gremlins again tonight 😭.
Do you have a movement activated camera you can put in there to see exactly what is going on ?
It’s weird 🤔
Do you have a movement activated camera you can put in there to see exactly what is going on ?
It’s weird 🤔
I do have one I could have put in. I was watching them through the little air vent window. The older girls were giving the pullets a peck, nothing horrendous. The pullets were just all panicking flapping about. Then they’d settle. A older hen would move to drink for example and the pullets would act like a fox was attacking them! Wings and legs all over the place. Not enough room for them to keep well away from each other.

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