Feed Bag Got Rained On


Jul 8, 2019
I left 2 50lb bags of feed outside in the pickup overnight and it rained.

My partner took the pickup to work, and he said he turned them over and had them in a dry part of the bed.

The bags were in the bed for approximately 18 hours after being rained on.

He brought them home not too long ago, and I split open both bags at the ends - one bag I will need to talk to the feed store about, because it had large, green, moldy clumps in the bottom, progressed far beyond what could have grown in less than 24 hours.

As for the other one, how safe will it be to feed this to my chickens? I removed all of the clumps that were wet, and carefully poured all of the feed into a new container. It smells fine, and no longer has any obvious wet clumps.

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