Feed Store said "Golden Laced Wyandotte" looks like road island red chick. ??????????? HELP


11 Years
12 Years
Jun 8, 2012
My friend picked up a couple chicks for me and for herself. Feed store told her they were Golden laced Wyandottes. We have been googling and now we are worried. I'm hoping that they are just any type of Wyandotte at this point but they look like RIR. Can you help me out? PLEASE!!! They are 95% sexed pullets.

The chick in the back does have a small black spot on top of its head.
Definitely NOT any type of Wyandotte. I can tell you that right now. Sorry.....
My profile pic is one of my GLW's as a chick.
Do I cry now or later!? lol. I have a small window of opportunity to return these chick but to only pick from Barred Rock, Turken Naked Neck, Buckeye, and Amaraucanas. :( I really wanted a Wyandotte. I just emailed the hatchery that the shipment was sent from. GRRRRRR!!! I was affraid of that!
Barred Rocks are very nice, and so are Ameraucana's/EE's. The BR will give you nice sized brown eggs, and the Ameraucana/EE will give you a blue or green egg. RIR's are excellent layers though. So if your purpose for getting them is for egg production, I'd say keep the RIR's, IF that is what they are.....I'm not sure because I've never had RIR's myself.
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The thing is, I already have two Amaraucanas, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Cuckoo Maran, 1 white orpington, and a Welsummer. I don't have much room for anymore so I wanted to be picky about getting what I really wanted. :( However, I'm pretty sure my Welsummer is going to end up being a roo. So once I get him a new home, I will have room but still. Its a major let down!
Were there different kinds of chicks in the same bin? Who told you they were Golden-laced Wyandottes? An employee? No diss intended, but not every feed store employee knows anything about their chicks, so if you're not sure, I'd ask up the ladder (nicely) or ask to talk to the person who did the ordering. And, as it has been said in this forum before, chicks get picked up and put down by customers into the wrong bin. Leftover chicks from a previous order might be mixed in to the current order. And "95% sexed pullets" sounds like a made-up number. 90% is a more typical claim, and even that can be optimistic.
Just take them back to the feed store and ask the manager.:) ........Good luck!
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Those are Production Red or hatchery type RIR chicks for sure, not Wyandottes.

Since you're getting them from a feed store who gets them from some hatchery, I can tell you that they do not have any Ameraucanas-they will be Easter Eggers. Unfortunately, they may lay brown and not blue or green, since EEs are of mixed genetics.

I love Barred Rocks, my favorite breed, both the hatchery hens and the true heritage show types I own.
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