Feedback on breed selection for 1st timer

I had Orpingtons. They were friendly, but also can go broody. They also can have health issues associated with weight gain. I agree with others that the Austrolorp and the Speckled Sussex are generally docile breeds that are good layers.
One thing to think about if you buy them all at the same time -- when your girls do start to slow down, it will be difficult to increase your egg output without adding to your hen numbers (and add to your coop or cull). If six hens is your maximum, it may be wise to start with three and wait a year or two and then add three more.
I love Easter Eggers! But I don't handle my chickens or make pets of them, so I can't speak to that. You do want birds that don't have big, floppy "single" combs because those are susceptible to frostbite (roosters more so than hens, actually) so EEs are a good choice. Orpingtons are adorable but do tend to go broody, and a broody hen doesn't lay eggs, so that's something to consider (I've never known an EE to go broody). What an adventure you have ahead of you! Have fun!
Agree w the others. Orpingtons & EE are good choices. Sussex & Australorp also are great family breeds. And I have a Turken who is super friendly as well.

One thing to think about, if you get 6 different breeds/colors, it is much easier to tell them apart. You could do 1 Lav Orp, 1 Buff Orp, 2 EE (they will most likely be different patterns), and 2 more of suggested breeds. I really like having a mixed flock.

If you stay w just the 3 breeds, you will most likely be able to tell them apart…but easier on kids if they are different. My Specked Sussex is the SWEETEST, and that sentiment has been echoed numerous times on many threads. Other suggestions just for fun are Bielefelders.

Good luck & have fun w it!
Buff and lav orps are fantastic, mine are extremely friendly always looking for cuddles! From my experience with EEs, they can be a bit flighty. I have one that screams if you grab her but the moment you put her back down she'll peck at your feet. My three EEs just want to be around me but never touched.
I have a couple copper marans that are really sweet. A few cochins that are also very docile with people but kinda mean to others in the flock. I have one speckled sussex pullet that is by far the most vocal chicken I've ever had, major conversationalist.

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