We have 30 Freedom Rangers that are about 4 weeks old. We have been opening the coop up in the morning and putting them back in at night. Our goal was to free range them and have them eat bugs and a natural diet as much as possible. So far we have not had predator issues yet but know we may have to make adjustments if we do. If they aren't huge chickens that is OK with us but we don't want them too thin. We have been removing the food during the day to encourage foraging instead of just staying by the feeder. This also helps get them in the coop at night and having them out makes it easier to move the chicken tractor/coop. I leave the feeder full at night and part of the morning. My wife and I really enjoy having them out, but we have noticed around 4pm they become much more active which we think is when they are starting to get hungry.
I was reading and it seemed they should have grit at all times, so I got some Dumor chick grit. When I put the grit in there they just attack it like they go after food in the evening. To see if they wanted grit or food, I put the food back in the coop and they lose all interest in the grit and go after the food. The food I am giving them is crumble but we do give some cracked corn and table scraps as a treat so I assume with that they need some grit. My problem is that when I give them grit they just go after it unless they have food out. I would assume eating a large amount of grit isn't good for them either. So I think my choices are either no grit and they have to find it on their own or leave the food out all day and hope they forage with a full belly (based on what I see in the morning I don't see that happening).
Last night I tried putting the grit out after the feed and they ate all the grit with feed available. I was wondering if this could be a compromise. I am also worried unlimited food 24/7 will create some other issues. I live on the east coast and the soil is a mix of clay and sand.
Any advice would be appreciated as this is my first time with chickens.
We have 30 Freedom Rangers that are about 4 weeks old. We have been opening the coop up in the morning and putting them back in at night. Our goal was to free range them and have them eat bugs and a natural diet as much as possible. So far we have not had predator issues yet but know we may have to make adjustments if we do. If they aren't huge chickens that is OK with us but we don't want them too thin. We have been removing the food during the day to encourage foraging instead of just staying by the feeder. This also helps get them in the coop at night and having them out makes it easier to move the chicken tractor/coop. I leave the feeder full at night and part of the morning. My wife and I really enjoy having them out, but we have noticed around 4pm they become much more active which we think is when they are starting to get hungry.
I was reading and it seemed they should have grit at all times, so I got some Dumor chick grit. When I put the grit in there they just attack it like they go after food in the evening. To see if they wanted grit or food, I put the food back in the coop and they lose all interest in the grit and go after the food. The food I am giving them is crumble but we do give some cracked corn and table scraps as a treat so I assume with that they need some grit. My problem is that when I give them grit they just go after it unless they have food out. I would assume eating a large amount of grit isn't good for them either. So I think my choices are either no grit and they have to find it on their own or leave the food out all day and hope they forage with a full belly (based on what I see in the morning I don't see that happening).
Last night I tried putting the grit out after the feed and they ate all the grit with feed available. I was wondering if this could be a compromise. I am also worried unlimited food 24/7 will create some other issues. I live on the east coast and the soil is a mix of clay and sand.
Any advice would be appreciated as this is my first time with chickens.