Feeding hens cooked eggs?

Mine love em, I don't often hand em back to the chickens, but every now and then I'll give em some!
I had an unhappy girl in the nursing area the last two days, and she got a scrambled egg each day along with some tuna and cottage cheese this afternoon.

I just spray a measuring cup with pam, then crack in an egg, break it up a little with a fork and pop it in the microwave for a few seconds till it firms up... let it cool off and dish it up!
I cooked a 30 eggs omellette for them Sat! Whatever eggs I dont sell either through auctions or for eating within the week go for my girls-I do get 25+ a day so its like I never had anyway- lucky for me I usually sell most of them but lucky for them when I dont-that was the first time I cooked them eggs like that in a few weeks:)
I have 45 birds though-is that too much to give them? I only do it when all other sales have been done-after we kept some for eating etc...I figure less than an egg per bird? Im picky-I cut up the eggs in 45 pieces-and make sure each bird gets a piece and no one is left out:)
I wonder just how you came by that comparison? You ain't even close.

Humans "pass" their unfertilized eggs/endometrium/uterine lining monthly in the form of menstruation. Hens "pass" their unfertilized eggs "daily" in the form of, well, eggs (absent of zygote & chick).
There's my connection.
Our birds love eggs... we hard boil them and them give them a spin in the food processor.. they will eat just about anything. they love mac n cheese, stale crackers and potatoe chips.. The one thing we have found they don't like is wheat bread.. They looked at it like " what is this ?" lol it was too funny.. Our birds are like little garbage disposals....
We have alot of beef stew left over last night( family will NOT eat leftovers so I threw that in a food processor with more veggies and cooked up a lb of rice and gave them a warm breakfast ontop of their regular food-My Dh thinks Im crazy because I always cook them stews for a warm meal treat! I always said if you would eat leftovers you wouldnt be so jealous!
Mine love hard boiled eggs with the shells crushed into them. The also love cooked or raw chicken and will steal beef or pork dog bones from my cocker spaniels if they have one in the yard with the chickens are out. The boys know they can not fight over a bone with anyone in their pack. And they respect it. Give them eggs....... good protein and calcium.

4 dogs and 4 city chickens here.

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