Hi, I'm new to the group and joined because I have turkeys for the first time this year. I do not know the breeds. One is a big white hen, she's 1 year old, and the other 2 are her babies but they are brown and look like wild turkeys. They are about 5 months old. They live happily with my chicken flock and fee range during the day. My question is, they are eating chicken layer feed when they want to and they have access to oyster shells too. Is there anything they will need that I am not supplying right now? I'm especially concerned as I think ahead to winter in western NY where they will not have access to grass and bugs for a long time and will depend on the chicken feed. Right now they are doing very well. The babies are big and strong and chase each other around a lot, so plenty of energy. Mom is the sweetest bird and also doing well, although it's taking time for her feathers to grow back in from being broody months ago, I assume. I just want to keep everyone healthy! Thanks!