Feeding Wild Birds

"Yellow-headed blackbirds can generally be found from the Mississippi River westward. They spend the summer in the west-central United States and Canada and the winter in the western United States from California to Texas and south to Mexico and Central America."
They are gorgeous! I wish we had them!
"Yellow-headed blackbirds can generally be found from the Mississippi River westward. They spend the summer in the west-central United States and Canada and the winter in the western United States from California to Texas and south to Mexico and Central America."

And that would be why I've never seen them lol. They're are beautiful :) I got to see a Pileated woodpecker yesterday at work. It was huge and beautiful! Unfortunately, I was driving through construction around the park and couldn't stop to take his picture. I did get this picture at work the other day though. I had to zoom in pretty far so it's a little blurry but it was still neat. Adult bald eagle and juvenile.

Hi Sour, Just saw a Baltimore Oriole. :wee
There's a pair that nests in a sycamore tree in front of the beagle club. They have not arrived yet, but the Phoebe is setting on eggs. In a week or so I will check to see if a cowbird has parasitized the nest. I will intercede if that is the case. :oops: There are more cowbirds than Pheobes.
Hello everyone, thought you guys might appreciate these...


This family of Red-shouldered hawks has been nesting on our property for years. They actually have two different nest sites, each relatively close to the house.
Sorry for the poor image quality... zoom lens with no tripod and lots of foliage to contend with.
There's a pair that nests in a sycamore tree in front of the beagle club. They have not arrived yet, but the Phoebe is setting on eggs. In a week or so I will check to see if a cowbird has parasitized the nest. I will intercede if that is the case. :oops: There are more cowbirds than Pheobes.
I have to get the sparrows out of my Bluebird houses.

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