Feeds affecting laying?

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Hi, i wanted to add my thoughts in here. I havent read through all 37 pages , but i do agree they did something to the feed. I have fed my chickens Nutrena Naturewise layer pellets 16%protein, since they were 18 weeks old and laying. I had also fed my last chickens this and hadnt had a problem with it. Now this year my chickens have ate it, layed all summer, fall, and then went into a molt and stopped laying. Once again i was down to getting 1 egg a week not even from the same chicken. So i took it upon my self and did a little reasearch and i switched to Nutrena Naturwise All-flock 20% protein, ive been adding in corn, black oil sunflower seeds, and scratch grains not exceeding 10% of their diet. Then adding in crushed eggshells because of oyster shell allergies. Also adding in oats, peas, carrots on a weekly basisi. And all of a sudden im getting eggs again! I hope this helps, i just dont believe they would do this to feeds, To harm everyone getting eggs. I have a theory but dont want to get in trouble for saying it.
Any chance the increased protein or the increased light in that timeframe had something to do with it?
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