Female duck injuried with infected wounds

Hello people.

I think your injured duck needs oral antibiotics. I have corrected my earlier response to you where I wrote the wrong name for the antibiotic.

I recommend Enrofloxacin 10%, the generic form of Baytril-10

You can get a prescription for antibiotics from a vet, but in my experience vets will not see ducks. Even emergency vets who will see injured wildlife, will not see an injured duck

You can get Enrofloxacin 10% from www.allbirdproducts.com.

The dose is 0.1ml of Enrofloxacin 10% per lb per day. I expect your muscovy female weighs around 8lbs and so she will need 0.8ml once a day. It comes with a plastic syringe to measure the dose and you can drop the dose in the ducks bill by the side of the tongue. You will need to wrap her in an old towel or similar to hold her against your body . Hold her bill open with the hand on the arm that is holding her firmly against you so that your other hand is free to bring the syringe up to the bill. Be sure to put the syringe down the side of the bill so that none of the medication goes into her windpipe
I'm going nuts (senior moment)

I meant Enrofloxacin 10% which is generic Baytril-10

Thank you for flagging up the error, @Miss Lydia. I'm going to edit my responses to correct and then go and get a good nap to clear my head
It's okay @ruthhope I have them too. :)
It's okay @ruthhope I have them too. :)
I've been stressed by caring for 3 pekins attacked by a dog, as well as dealing with rescued Muscovy ducklings!! I couldn't take any ducklings while my bathroom was an emergency room as I have 2 puppies in my Florida room now. I used to keep my Florida room for ducks and just have the occasional rooster in the bathroom. All changed now!! And I am not getting any younger.
Is Broward co. Miami? There is Muscovy Haven somewhere around there. Do you think a person did this to the Muscovy @Animal helper ?
I don't know, I don't think so. The Muscovy was desppear for the last 3 days, until today. I saw her this morning but as soon I get close to her, she swam away from me to the other side to the lake. so I can't see anythig or try to catch it. I only saw her male Muscovy and a young muscovy next to the male.

When I tried to get close to her, she inmediatly ran from me, it doesn't happened the day that I took the pictures, is like she have more energy now. And I don't have any experience with ducks. any idea to cath up the muscovy?
I don't know, I don't think so. The Muscovy was desppear for the last 3 days, until today. I saw her this morning but as soon I get close to her, she swam away from me to the other side to the lake. so I can't see anythig or try to catch it. I only saw her male Muscovy and a young muscovy next to the male.

When I tried to get close to her, she inmediatly ran from me, it doesn't happened the day that I took the pictures, is like she have more energy now. And I don't have any experience with ducks. any idea to cath up the muscovy?
And yes is in Broward, at north from miami
If you could catch her which would probably be impossible without help, you could contact Duck Haven and see if they would take her. If she is still active maybe the wound is healing on its own. I was just wondering if a wild animal could get to where she was nesting? It seems weird to have a head wound like she had.

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