Female duck-wound on her back-how to treat?


In the Brooder
Dec 10, 2023
Hello and first of all-sorry for my bad English language.
One of my female ducks have big wound on her back(under the wing)-chafing/abrasion maybe at size of big coin or even bigger.Maybe 4-5cm diameter.The story of this duck is long...She had botulism before many years and is limping.I do not know what caused the wound...Maybe attack form another duck...Maybe big drake was trying to mate her...But most of all I think that it is because the door of the duck house is small,she sleeps always near the door and goes out first at the morning, but because of the limping-the other ducks run over her.
Can I use disinfectant on the base of chlorhexidine or iodine povidone for treating this wound??
My concerns are:
1)Are they toxic to duck if ingested?I have used once iodine povidone for treating of the wing injury without any complications but prefer to ask again and to be sure.I have never used chlorhexidine for this purposes.
2)Iodine causes tissue necrosis of the open wounds.So I will have to apply it only at the edges of the wound, but not in the wound?
Here we use for human wounds 3% hidrogen peroxide.Is it good idea to use it for wound flushing/rinsing or to prefere something more safe like isotonic saline 0.9% NaCl?
Update of the topic.There is not a wound on her back.When I cleaned and reviewed strictly the wound-there is only clotted blood on her back, which was flowed from her wing.She uses wings for support and keeping ballance because of limping and the ends of her wings are heavily scrapped.But the question remains the same-how to treat/disinfect the scrapped wing to prevent infection?

And also one another question.I use straw for bedding,but only for colder half of the year.Not the weather is hot and they sleep on the hard floor(ciment ground),because ot is easy for cleaning of the room.Which is not good for this bird because the hard floor makes the scrapping bigger.But if I add straw now-it will be very warm for other birds in the flock when they sleep.The separation of the bird is not good idea because of the stress for the duck if she sleeps alone.What to do?
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Hello and first of all-sorry for my bad English language.
One of my female ducks have big wound on her back(under the wing)-chafing/abrasion maybe at size of big coin or even bigger.Maybe 4-5cm diameter.The story of this duck is long...She had botulism before many years and is limping.I do not know what caused the wound...Maybe attack form another duck...Maybe big drake was trying to mate her...But most of all I think that it is because the door of the duck house is small,she sleeps always near the door and goes out first at the morning, but because of the limping-the other ducks run over her.
Can I use disinfectant on the base of chlorhexidine or iodine povidone for treating this wound??
My concerns are:
1)Are they toxic to duck if ingested?I have used once iodine povidone for treating of the wing injury without any complications but prefer to ask again and to be sure.I have never used chlorhexidine for this purposes.
2)Iodine causes tissue necrosis of the open wounds.So I will have to apply it only at the edges of the wound, but not in the wound?
Here we use for human wounds 3% hidrogen peroxide.Is it good idea to use it for wound flushing/rinsing or to prefere something more safe like isotonic saline 0.9% NaCl?
Can you post an image of the wound? Is it a shallow/surface injury? I'm sure the other ducks climbing over her is not helping, though I think its possible that it's a mating injury from a drake, which wouldn't be too uncommon. Is he much larger than she is?

I would potentially just rinse the wound with saline solution. Do you have access to neosporin? Neosporin triple antibiotic ointment (without pain relief) is very helpful. I'm not sure about the other things you mentioned, but others may have advice about it
In general, if a duck has a wound, if it is not near the eyes, you can clean with chlorhexidine. But it is often good to clean with water first to remove blood and dirt, and use chlorhexudine once you can see the wound itself underneath. It's also good to finish off with gentian violet so your other ducks don't bite the wound: they are attracted to red raw wounds but not purple.

If you do not have chlorhexidine, or if it is a small wound, you can use salt water to clean the area. Add 15 ml salt to 250 ml previously boiled and cooled water.
Thanks for all answers!I have cleaned the wound with isotonic saline 0.9% NaCl.The wound is on the end of the wing.As I said she is limping,because she have suffered botulism before 3-4years and now uses wings for support and keeping ballance-so the ends of her wings are heavily scrapped.The hard cement floor where they live also do not help.And to be everything as bad as possible-also she is molting now.
After washing the wound with isotonic saline I have applied 0.45% chlorhexidine gel.The bird is in healthy general condition,she have good appetite.So I think that everyday procedure of cleaning with saline and applying chlorhexidine gel after it for 10days will be enough.
Tomorrow I will add and photos of the wound,because I do not want co desturb and catch it now(the wound can not be shoot well on photos,without the bird to be catched).
I have never used pine shavings for bedding and I am afraid that the ducks can eat them.But I have wheat straw and can use it for bedding.I usually begin to use bedding at the 20-30 november every year.Now I think that will be too hot for the other birds with bedding,but I will reconsider and if it is nessesery I will make them some bedding.Now even at the evening 20-21 oclock is arround 75F degree.
The yard is covered with mud/soil and it is not so abrasive.The most of scrapping is form the cement floor of the duck house and also there is some distance of 20-30m from the house to the yard which the bird walks everyday.So we deceided from tomorrow to carry in hands the bird at the evening and at the morning.
I understand that because of limping the wound will never heal completely,so my purpose is to prevent infection and the wound to develop some kind of natural crust over it.Now when I try to wash the wound,even without touching,just pour saline over the wound and begins small bleeding.
If the cleaning and chlorhexidine do not lead to good result after 5days and the wound begins and begins to bleed at every washing-I will take and other measures.I am also thinking and searching in the internet for some photos or some kind of bandage of the wing.I am thinking for some kind of cotton sock to be used and fixed with with sticking medical plaster.Or also I think that can adopt for this purpose so called-hen saddle.As a last resort I will separate the bird in my house in hard papper box with food and water for 10days.
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I have never used pine shavings for bedding and I am afraid that the ducks can eat them.But I have wheat straw and can use it for bedding.I usually begin to use bedding at the 20-30 november every year.Now I think that will be too hot for the other birds with bedding,but I will reconsider and if it is nessesery I will make them some bedding.Now even at the evening 20-21 oclock is arround 75F degree.
The yard is covered with mud/soil and it is not so abrasive.The most of scrapping is form the cement floor of the duck house and also there is some distance of 20-30m from the house to the yard which the bird walks everyday.So we deceided from tomorrow to carry in hands the bird at the evening and at the morning.
I understand that because of limping the wound will never heal completely,so my purpose is to prevent infection and the wound to develop some kind of natural crust over it.Now when I try to wash the wound,even without touching,just pour saline over the wound and begins small bleeding.
If the cleaning and chlorhexidine do not lead to good result after 5days and the wound begins and begins to bleed at every washing-I will take and other measures.I am also thinking and searching in the internet for some photos or some kind of bandage of the wing.I am thinking for some kind of cotton sock to be used and fixed with with sticking medical plaster.Or also I think that can adopt for this purpose so called-hen saddle.As a last resort I will separate the bird in my house in hard papper box with food and water for 10days.
I have my ducks on pine shavings year round and add pine straw when the weather cools for the ducks to snuggle in to keep warm. I have never had a problem with ducks eating pine shavings. I also use pine shavings in my brooder. If ducklings eat the pine shavings, they have very quickly realized their mistake and learnt that pine shavings are inedible. None of my many ducklings have had problem resulting from eating pine shavings

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